


〃A flock of fireflies?〃

〃Something like that。〃 The tape ran out。 The screen went dark。

Ted said; 〃Thats it?〃

〃Im afraid so; Dr。 Fielding。〃

〃Poor Harry;〃 Ted said mournfully。

Of all the group; Ted was the most visibly upset about Harry。 He kept staring at the closed sphere on the monitor; saying; 〃How did he do that?〃 Then he would add; 〃I hope hes all right。〃

He repeated it so often that finally Beth said; 〃I think we know your feelings; Ted。〃

〃Im seriously concerned about him。〃

〃I am; too。 We all are。〃

〃You think Im jealous; Beth? Is that what youre saying?〃

''133'' 〃Why would anyone think that; Ted?〃

Norman changed the subject。 It was crucial to avoid confrontations among group members。 He asked Ted about his analysis of the flight data aboard the spaceship。

〃Its very interesting;〃 Ted said; warming to his subject。 〃My detailed examination of the earliest flight…data images;〃 he said; 〃convinced me that they show three planets…Uranus; Neptune; and Pluto…and the sun; very small in the background。 Therefore; the pictures are taken from some point beyond the orbit of Pluto。 This suggests that the black hole is not far beyond our own solar system。〃

〃Is that possible?〃 Norman said。

〃Oh sure。 In fact; for the last ten years some astrophysicists have suspected that theres a black hole…not a large one; but a black hole just outside our solar system。〃

〃I hadnt heard that。〃

〃Oh yes。 In fact; some of us have argued that; if it was small enough; in a few years we could go out and capture the black hole; bring it back; park it in Earth orbit; and use the energy it generates to power the entire planet。〃

Barnes smiled。 〃Black…hole cowboys?〃

〃In theory; theres no reason it couldnt be done。 Then just think: the entire planet would be free of its dependency on fossil fuels。 。。。 The whole history of mankind would be changed。〃

Barnes said; 〃Probably make a hell of a weapon; too。〃

〃Even a very tiny black hole would be a little too powerful to use as a weapon。〃

〃So you think this ship went out to capture a black hole?〃

〃I doubt it;〃 Ted said。 〃The ship is so strongly made; so shielded against radiation; that I suspect it was intended to go through a black hole。 And it did。〃

〃And thats why the ship went back in time?〃 Norman said。

〃Im not sure;〃 Ted said。 〃You see; a black hole really is the edge of the universe。 What happens there isnt clear to anybody now alive。 But what some people think is that you dont go through the hole; you sort of skip into it; like a ''134'' pebble skipping over water; and you get bounced into a different time or space or universe。〃

〃So the ship got bounced?〃

〃Yes。 Possibly more than once。 And when it bounced back here; it undershot and arrived a few hundred years before it left。〃

〃And on one of its bounces; it picked up that?〃 Beth said; pointing to the monitor。

They looked。 The sphere was still closed。 But lying next to it; sprawled on the deck in an awkward pose; was Harry Adams。

For a moment they thought he was dead。 Then Harry lifted his head and moaned。


Norman wrote in his notebook: Subject is a thirty…year…old black mathematician who has spent three hours inside a sphere of unknown origin。 On recovery from the sphere was stuporous and unresponsive; he did not know his name; where he was; or what year it was。 Brought back to habitat; slept for one half…hour then awoke abruptly plaining of headache。

〃Oh God。〃

Harry was sitting in his bunk; holding his head in his hands; groaning。

〃Hurt?〃 Norman asked。

〃Brutal。 Pounding。〃

〃Anything else?〃

〃Thirsty。 God。〃 He licked his lips。 〃Really thirsty。〃

Extreme thirst; Norman wrote。

出嫁不从夫1.2  谁是谁的灰太狼  赌坊恩仇  放个恋爱假  浪漫的倾心  修真修到了满级大佬家  被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  中国远征军史  月落参横  当时明月在  风月债  韩流逆时代  绝尘山庄  异世之邪龙游香海  誓不为妃  大漠敦煌  罪之花  新汉艳史  豪门第一长媳  萌侠之金兰结义(上)  



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...















