


〃Lets all stay calm;〃 Barnes said。 〃Everythings under control。 This is just a temporary delay。 Theres no reason to get upset。〃

But Norman didnt feel upset。 He felt suddenly exhausted。 ''126'' Beth was sulking; angry; feeling deceived; Ted was excited; already planning another excursion to the spacecraft; arranging equipment with Edmunds。

But Norman felt only tired。 His eyes were heavy; he thought he might go to sleep standing there in front of the monitors。 He excused himself hurriedly; went back to his bunk; lay down。 He didnt care that the sheets were clammy; he didnt care that the pillow was cold; he didnt care that diesels were droning and vibrating in the next cylinder。 He thought: This is a very strong avoidance reaction。 And then he was asleep。


Norman rolled out of bed and looked for his watch; but hed gotten into the habit of not wearing one down here。 He had no idea what time it was; how long he had been asleep。 He looked out the porthole; saw nothing but black water。 The grid lights were still off。 He lay back in his bunk and looked at the gray pipes directly over his head; they seemed closer than before; as if they had moved toward him while he slept。 Everything seemed cramped; tighter; more claustrophobic。

Several more days of this; he thought。 God。

He hoped the Navy would think to notify his family。 After so many days; Ellen would start to worry。 He imagined her first calling the FAA; then calling the Navy; trying to find out what had happened。 Of course; no one would know anything; because the project was classified; Ellen would be frantic。

Then he stopped thinking about Ellen。 It was easier; he thought; to worry about your loved ones than to worry about yourself。 But there wasnt any point。 Ellen would be okay。 ''127'' And so would he。 It was just a matter of waiting。 Staying calm; and waiting out the storm。

He got into the shower; wondering if theyd still have hot water while the habitat was on emergency power。 They did; and he felt less stiff after his shower。 It was odd; he thought; to be a thousand feet underwater and to relish the soothing effects of a hot shower。

He dressed and headed for the C Cylinder。 He heard Tinas voice say; 〃…think theyll ever get the sphere open?〃

Beth: 〃Maybe。 I dont know。〃

〃It scares me。〃

〃I dont think theres a reason to be scared。〃

〃Its the unknown;〃 Tina said。

When Norman came in; he found Beth running the videotape; looking at herself and Tina。 〃Sure;〃 Beth said on the videotape; 〃but an unknown thing is not likely to be dangerous or frightening。 Its most likely to be just inexplicable。〃

Tina said; 〃I dont know how you can say that。〃

〃You afraid of snakes?〃 Beth said; onscreen。

Beth snapped off the videotape。 〃Just trying to see if I could figure out why it opened;〃 she said。

〃Any luck?〃 Norman said。

〃Not so far。〃 On the adjacent monitor; they could see the sphere itself。 The sphere was closed。

〃Harry still in there?〃 Norman said。

〃Yes;〃 Beth said。

〃How long has it been now?〃

She looked up at the consoles。 〃A little more than an hour。〃

〃I only slept an hour?〃


〃Im starving;〃 Norman said; and he went down to the galley to eat。 All the coconut cake was gone。 He was looking for something else to eat when Beth showed up。

〃I dont know what to do; Norman;〃 she said; frowning。

〃About what?〃

〃Theyre lying to us;〃 she said。

〃Who is?〃

''128'' 〃Barnes。 The Navy。 Everybody。 This is all a setup; Norman。〃

谁是谁的灰太狼  风月债  大漠敦煌  豪门第一长媳  罪之花  中国远征军史  当时明月在  放个恋爱假  萌侠之金兰结义(上)  浪漫的倾心  修真修到了满级大佬家  誓不为妃  新汉艳史  绝尘山庄  被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  出嫁不从夫1.2  韩流逆时代  异世之邪龙游香海  赌坊恩仇  月落参横  



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...















