


When I walked back up the path twenty minutes later; I could feel a worm of hunger stirring in my belly; and thought I could eat something a little more substantial than toast。 A dish of oatmeal; perhaps even a scrambled egg with a sausage on the side。 I love sausage; always have; but if I eat more than one these days; Im apt to get the squitters。 One would be safe enough; though。 Then; with my belly full and with the damp air still perking up my brain (or so I hoped); I would go up to the solarium and write about the execution of Eduard Delacroix。 I would do it as fast as I could; so as not to lose my courage。

It was Mr。 Jingles I was thinking about as I crossed the croquet course to the kitchen door … how Percy Wetmore had stamped on him and broken his back; and how Delacroix had screamed when he realized what his enemy had done … and I didnt see Brad Dolan standing there; half…hidden by the Dumpster; until he reached out and grabbed my wrist。

〃Out for a little stroll; Paulie?〃 he asked。

I jerked back from him; yanking my wrist out of his hand。 Some of it was just being startled … anyone will jerk when theyre startled … but that wasnt all of it。 Id been thinking about Percy Wetmore; remember; and its Percy that Brad always reminds me of。 Some of its how Brad always goes around with a paperback stuffed into his pocket (with Percy it was always a mens adventure magazine; with Brad its books of jokes that are only funny if youre stupid and mean…hearted); some of its how he acts like hes King Shit of Turd Mountain; but mostly its that hes sneaky; and he likes to hurt。

Hed just gotten to work; I saw; hadnt even changed into his orderlys whites yet。 He was wearing jeans and a cheesy…looking Western…style shirt。 In one hand was the remains of a Danish hed hooked out of the kitchen。 Hed been standing under the leave; eating it where he wouldnt get wet。 And where he could watch for me; Im pretty sure of that now。 Im pretty sure of something else; as well: Ill have to watch out for Mr。 Brad Dolan。 He doesnt like me much。 I dont know why; but I never knew why Percy Wetmore didnt like Delacroix; either。 And dislike is really too weak a word。 Percy hated Dels guts from the very first moment the little Frenchman came onto the Green Mile。

〃Whats with this poncho you got on; Paulie?〃 he asked; flicking the collar。 〃This isnt yours。〃

〃I got it in the hall outside the kitchen;〃 I said。 I hate it when he calls me Paulie; and I think he knows it; but I was damned if Id give him the satisfaction of seeing it。 〃Theres a whole row of them。 Im not hurting it any; would you say? Rains what its made for; after all。〃

〃But it wasnt made for you; Paulie;〃 he said; giving it another little flick。 〃Thats the thing。 Those slickersre for the employees; not the residents。〃

〃I still dont see what harm it does。〃

He gave me a thin little smile。 〃Its not about harm; its about the rules。 What would life be without rules? Paulie; Paulie; Paulie。〃 He shook his head; as if just looking at me made him feel sorry to be alive。 〃You probably think an old fart like you doesnt have to mind about the rules anymore; but thats just not true。 Paulie。〃

Smiling at me。 Disliking me。 Maybe even hating me。 And why? I dont know。 Sometimes there is no why。 Thats the scary part。

〃Well; Im sorry if I broke the rules;〃 I said。 It came out sounding whiney; a little shrill; and I hated myself for sounding that way; but Im old; and old people whine easily。 Old people scare easily。

Brad nodded。 〃Apology accepted。 Now go hang that back up。 You got no business out walking in the rain; anyway。 Specially not in those woods。 What if you were to slip and fall and break your damned hip? Huh? Who do you thinkd have to hoss your elderly freight back up the hill?〃

〃I dont know;〃 I said。 I just wanted to get away from him。 The more I listened to him; the more he sounded like Percy。 William Wharton; the crazyman who came to the Green Mile in the fall of ‘32; once grabbed Percy and scared him so bad that Percy squirted in his pants。 You talk about this to anyone; Percy told the rest of us afterward; and youll all be on the breadlines in a week。 Now; these many years later; I could almost hear Brad Dolan saying those same words; in that same tone of voice。 Its as if; by writing about those old times; I have unlocked some unspeakable door that connects the past to the present … Percy Wetmore to Brad Dolan; Janice Edgebe to Elaine Connelly; Cold Mountain Penitentiary to the Georgia Pines old folks home。 And if that thought doesnt keep me awake tonight; I guess nothing will。

I made as if to go in through the kitchen door and Brad grabbed me by the wrist again。 I dont know about the first one; but this time he was doing it on purpose; squeezing to hurt。 His eyes shifting back and forth; making sure no one was around in the early…morning wet; no one to see he was abusing one of the old folks he was supposed to be taking care of。

〃What do you do down that path?〃 he asked。 〃I know you dont go down there and jerk off; those days are long behind you; so what do you do?〃

〃Nothing;〃 I said; telling myself to be calm; not to show him how bad he was hurting me and to be calm; to remember hed only mentioned the path; he didnt know about the shed。 〃I just walk。 To clear my mind〃

〃Too late for that; Paulie; your minds never gonna be clear again! He squeezed my thin old mares wrist again; grinding the brittle bones; eyes continually shifting from side to side; wanting to make sure he was safe。 Brad wasnt afraid of breaking the rules; he was only afraid of being caught breaking them。 And in that; too; he was like Percy Wetmore; who would never let you forget he was the governors nephew。 〃Old as you are; its a miracle you can remember who you are。 Youre too goddam old。 Even for a museum like this。 You give me the fucking creeps; Paulie。〃

〃Let go of me;〃 I said; trying to keep the whine out of my voice。 It wasnt just pride; either。 I thought if he heard it; it might inflame him; the way the smell of sweat can sometimes inflame a bad…tempered dog … one which would otherwise only growl … to bite。 That made me think of a reporter whod covered John Coffeys trial。 The reporter was a terrible man named Hammersmith; and the most terrible thing about him was that he hadnt known he was terrible。

Instead of letting go; Dolan squeezed my wrist again。 I groaned。 I didnt want to; but I couldnt help it。 It hurt all the way down to my ankles。

〃What do you do down there; Paulie? Tell me。〃

〃Nothing!〃 I said。 I wasnt crying; not yet; but I was afraid Id start soon if he kept bearing down like that。 〃Nothing; I just walk; I like to walk; let go of me!〃

He did; but only long enough so he could grab my other hand。 That one was rolled closed。 〃Open up;〃 he said。 〃Let Poppa see。〃

I did; and he grunted with disgust。 It was nothing but the remains of my second piece of toast。 Id clenched it in my right hand y left wrist; and there was butter … well; oleo; they dont have real butter here; of course … on my fingers。

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