will; therefore; carefullyexamine the actions of this man will find him a most valiant lion and amost cunning fox; he will find him feared and respected by every one;and not hated by the army; and it need not be wondered at that he; thenew man; well; because his supreme renown always protected him from thathatred which the people might have conceived against him for hisviolence。But his son Antoninus was a most eminent man; and had very excellentqualities; which made him admirable in the sight of the people andacceptable to the soldiers; for he was a warlike man; most enduring offatigue; a despiser of all delicate food and other luxuries; whichcaused him to be beloved by the armies。 Nevertheless; his ferocity andcruelties were so great and so unheard of that; after endless singlemurders; he killed a large number of the people of Rome and all those ofAlexandria。 He became hated by the whole world; and also feared by thosehe had around him; to such an extent that he was murdered in the midstof his army by a centurion。 And here it must be noted that such…likedeaths; which are deliberately inflicted with a resolved and desperatecourage; cannot be avoided by princes; because any one who does not fearto die can inflict them; but a prince may fear them the less becausethey are very rare; he has only to be careful not to do any grave injuryto those whom he employs or has around him in the service of the state。Antoninus had not taken this care; but had contumeliously killed abrother of that centurion; whom also he daily threatened; yet retainedin his bodyguard; which; as it turned out; was a rash thing to do; andproved the emperors ruin。But let us e to modus; to whom it should have been very easy tohold the empire; for; being the son of Marcus; he had inherited it; andhe had only to follow in the footsteps of his father to please hispeople and soldiers; but; being by nature cruel and brutal; he gavehimself up to amusing the soldiers and corrupting them; so that he mightindulge his rapacity upon the people; on the other hand; not maintaininghis dignity; often descending to the theatre to pete with gladiators;and doing other vile things; little worthy of the imperial majesty; hefell into contempt with the soldiers; and being hated by one party anddespised by the other; he was conspired against and killed。It remains to discuss the character of Maximinus。 He was a very warlikeman; and the armies; being disgusted with the effeminacy of Alexander;of whom I have already spoken; killed him and elected Maximinus to thethrone。 This he did not possess for long; for two things made him hatedand despised; the one; his having kept sheep in Thrace; which broughthim into contempt (it being well known to all; and considered a greatindignity by every one); and the other; his having at the accession tohis dominions deferred going to Rome and taking possession of theimperial seat; he had also gained a reputation for the utmost ferocityby having; through his prefects in Rome and elsewhere in the empire;practised many cruelties; so that the whole world was moved to anger atthe meanness of his birth and to fear at his barbarity。 First Africarebelled; then the Senate with all the people of Rome; and all Italyconspired against him; to which may be added his own army: this latter;besieging Aquileia and meeting with difficulties in taking it; weredisgusted with his cruelties; and fearing him less when they found somany against him; murdered him。I do not wish to discuss Heliogabalus; Macrinus; or Julian; who; beingthoroughly contemptible; were quickly wiped out; but I will bring thisdiscourse to a conclusion by saying that princes in our times have thisdifficulty of giving inordinate satisfaction to their soldiers in a farless degree; because; notwithstanding one has to give them someindulgence; that is soon done; none of these princes have armies thatare veterans in the governance and administration of provinces; as werethe armies of the Roman Empire; and whereas it was then more necessaryto give satisfaction to the soldiers than to the people; it is now morenecessary to all princes; except the Turk and the Soldan; to satisfy thepeople rather than the soldiers; because the people are the morepowerful。From the above I have excepted the Turk; who always keeps round himtwelve infantry and fifteen thousand cavalry on which depend thesecurity and strength of the kingdom; and it is necessary that; puttingaside every consideration for the people; he should keep them hisfriends。 The kingdom of the Soldan is similar; being entirely in thehands of soldiers; follows again that; without regard to the people; hemust keep them his friends。 But you must note that the state of theSoldan is unlike all other principalities; for the reason that it islike the Christian pontificate; which cannot be called either anhereditary or a newly formed principality; because the sons of the oldprince not the heirs; but he who is elected to that position by thosewho have authority; and the sons remain only noblemen。 And this being anancient custom; it cannot be called a new principality; because thereare none of those difficulties in it that are met with in new ones; foralthough the prince is new; the constitution of the state is old; and itis framed so as to receive him as if he were its hereditary lord。But returning to the subject of our discourse; I say that whoever willconsider it will acknowledge that either hatred or contempt has beenfatal to the above…named emperors; and it will be recognized also how ithappened that; a number of them acting in one way and a number inanother; only one in each way came to a happy end and the rest tounhappy ones。 Because it would have been useless and dangerous forPertinax and Alexander; being new princes; to imitate Marcus; who washeir to the principality; and likewise it would have been utterlydestructive to Caracalla; modus; and Maximinus to have imitatedSeverus; they not having sufficient valour to enable them to tread inhis footsteps。 Therefore a prince; new to the principality; cannotimitate the actions of Marcus; nor; again; is it necessary to followthose of Severus; but he ought to take from Severus those parts whichare necessary to found his state; and from Marcus those which are properand glorious to keep a state that may already be stable and firm。CHAPTER XXARE FORTRESSES; AND MANY OTHER THINGS TO WHICH PRINCES OFTEN RESORT;ADVANTAGEOUS OR HURTFUL?1。 SOME princes; so as to hold securely the state; have disarmed theirsubjects; others have kept their subject towns by factions; others havefostered enmities against themselves; others have laid themselves out togain over those whom they distrusted in the beginning of theirgovernments; some have built fortresses; some have overthrown anddestroyed them。 And although one cannot give a final judgment on all oneof these things unless one possesses the particulars of those states inwhich a decision has to be made; nevertheless I will speak asprehensively as the matter of itself will admit。2。 There never was a new prince who has disarmed his subjects; ratherwhen he has found them disarmed he has always armed them; because; byarming them; those arms bee yours; those men who were distrustedbee faithful; and those who were faithful are kept so; and yoursubjects bee your adherents。 And whereas all subjects cannot bearmed; yet when those whom you do arm are benefited; the others can behandled more freely; and this difference in their treatment; akes the former your dependants; and the latter;considering it to be necessary that those who have the most danger andservice should have the most reward; excuse you。 But when you disarmthem; you at once offend them by showing that you distrust them; eitherfor cowardice or for want of loyalty; and either of these opinionsbreeds hatred against you。 And because you cannot remain unarmed; itfollows that you turn to mercenaries; which are of the character alreadyshown; even if they should be good they would not be sufficient todefend you against powerful enemies and distrusted subjects。 Therefore;as I have said; a new prince in a new principality has alwaysdistributed arms。 Histories are full of examples。 But when a princeacquires a new state; which he adds as a province to his old one; thenit is necessary to disarm the men of that state; except those who havebeen his adherents in acquiring it; and these again; with time andopportunity; should be rendered soft and effeminate; and matters shouldbe managed in such a way that all the armed men in the state shall beyour own soldiers who in your old state were living near you。3。 Our forefathers; and those who were reckoned wise; were accustomed tosay that it was necessary to hold Pistoia by factions and Pisa byfortresses; and with this idea they fostered quarrels in some of theirtributary towns so as to keep possession of them the more easily。 Thismay have been well enough in those times when Italy was in a waybalanced; but I do not believe that it can be accepted as a precept forto…day; because I do not believe that factions can ever be of use;rather it is certain that when the enemy es upon you in dividedcities you are quickly lost; because the weakest party will alwaysassist the outside forces and the other will not be able to resist。 TheVeians; moved; as I believe; by the above reasons; fostered theGuelph and Ghibelline factions in their tributary cities; and althoughthey never allowed them to e to bloodshed; yet they nursed thesedisputes amongst them; so that the citizens; distracted by theirdifferences; should not unite against them。 Which; as we saw; did notafterwards turn out as expected; because; after the rout at Vaila; oneparty at once took courage and seized the state。 Such methods argue;therefore; weakness in the prince; because these factions will never bepermitted in a vigorous principality; such methods for enabling one themore easily to manage subjects are only useful in times of peace; but ifwar es this policy proves fallacious。4。 Without doubt princes bee great when they overe thedifficulties and obstacles by which they are confronted; and thereforefortune; especially when she desires to make a new prince great; who hasa greater necessity to earn renown than an hereditary one; causesenemies to arise and form designs against him; in order that he may havethe opportunity of overing them; and by them to mount higher; as by aladder which his enemies have raised。 For this reason many consider thata wise prince; when he has the opportunity; ought with craft to fostersome animosity against himself; so that; having crushed it; his renownmay rise higher。5。 Princes; especially new ones; have found more fidelity and assistancein those men who in the beginning of their rule were distrusted thanamong those who in the beginning were trusted。 Pandolfo Petrucci; Princeof Siena; ruled his state more by those who had been distrusted than byothers。 But on this question one cannot speak generally; for it variesso much with the individual; I will only say this; that those men who atthe mencement of a princedom have been hostile; if they are of adescription to need assistance to support themselves; can always begained over with the greatest ease; and they will be tightly held toserve the prince with fidelity; inasmuch as they know it to be verynecessary
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