


nity; unaware of degradation suffered。 Only by contrast with this thick…witted multitude can I pride myself upon my youth of endurance and of bat。 I had a goal before me; and not the goal of the average man。 Even when pinched with hunger; I did not abandon my purposes; which were of the mind。 But contrast that starved lad in his slum lodging with any fair conception of intelligent and zealous youth; and one feels that a dose of swift poison would have been the right remedy for such squalid ills。


As often as I survey my bookshelves I am reminded of Lambs 〃ragged veterans。〃 Not that all my volumes came from the second…hand stall; many of them were neat enough in new covers; some were even stately in fragrant bindings; when they passed into my hands。 But so often have I removed; so rough has been the treatment of my little library at each change of place; and; to tell the truth; so little care have I given to its well…being at normal times (for in all practical matters I am idle and inept); that even the eliest of my books show the results of unfair usage。 More than one has been foully injured by a great nail driven into a packing…case……this but the extreme instance of the wrongs they have undergone。 Now that I have leisure and peace of mind; I find myself growing more careful……an illustration of the great truth that virtue is made easy by circumstance。 But I confess that; so long as a volume hold together; I am not much troubled as to its outer appearance。

I know men who say they had as lief read any book in a library copy as in one from their own shelf。 To me that is unintelligible。 For one thing; I know every book of mine by its SCENT; and I have but to put my nose between the pages to be reminded of all sorts of things。 My Gibbon; for example; my well…bound eight…volume Milman edition; which I have read and read and read again for more than thirty years……never do I open it but the scent of the noble page restores to me all the exultant happiness of that moment when I received it as a prize。 Or my Shakespeare; the great Cambridge Shakespeare……it has an odour which carries me yet further back in life; for these volumes belonged to my father; and before I was old enough to read them with understanding; it was often permitted me; as a treat; to take down one of them from the bookcase; and reverently to turn the leaves。 The volumes smell exactly as they did in that old time; and what a strange tenderness es upon me when I hold one of them in hand。 For that reason I do not often read Shakespeare in this edition。 My eyes being good as ever; I take the Globe volume; which I bought in days when such a purchase was something more than an extravagance; wherefore I regard the book with that peculiar affection which results from sacrifice。

Sacrifice……in no drawing…room sense of the word。 Dozens of my books were purchased with money which ought to have been spent upon what are called the necessaries of life。 Many a time I have stood before a stall; or a booksellers window; torn by conflict of intellectual desire and bodily need。 At the very hour of dinner; when my stomach clamoured for food; I have been stopped by sight of a volume so long coveted; and marked at so advantageous a price; that I COULD not let it go; yet to buy it meant pangs of famine。 My Heynes Tibullus was grasped at such a moment。 It lay on the stall of the old book…shop in Goodge Street……a stall where now and then one found an excellent thing among quantities of rubbish。 Sixpence was the price…… sixpence! At that time I used to eat my midday meal (of course my dinner) at a coffee…shop in Oxford Street; one of the real old coffee…shops; such as now; I suppose; can hardly be found。 Sixpence was all I had……yes; all I had in the world; it would purchase a plate of meat and vegetables。 But I did not dare to hope that the Tibullus would wait until the morrow; when a certain small sum fell due to me。 I paced the pavement; fingering the coppers in my pocket; eyeing the stall; two appetites at bat within me。 The book was bought and I went home with it; and as I made a dinner of bread and butter I gloated over the pages。

In this Tibullus I found pencilled on the last page: 〃Perlegi; Oct。 4; 1792。〃 Who was that possessor of the book; nearly a hundred years ago? There was no other inscription。 I like to imagine some poor scholar; poor and eager as I myself; who bought the volume with drops of his blood; and enjoyed the reading of it even as I did。 How much THAT was I could not easily say。 Gentle…hearted Tibullus!… …of whom there remains to us a poets portrait more delightful; I think; than anything of the kind in Roman literature。

An tacitum silvas inter reptare salubres; Curantem quidquid dignum sapiente bonoque est?

So with many another book on the thronged shelves。 To take them down is to recall; how vividly; a struggle and a triumph。 In those days money represented nothing to me; nothing I cared to think about; but the acquisition of books。 There were books of which I had passionate need; books more necessary to me than bodily nourishment。 I could see them; of course; at the British Museum; but that was not at all the same thing as having and holding them; my own property; on my own shelf。 Now and then I have bought a volume of the raggedest and wretchedest aspect; dishonoured with foolish scribbling; torn; blotted……no matter; I liked better to read out of that than out of a copy that was not mine。 But I was guilty at times of mere self…indulgence; a book tempted me; a book which was not one of those for which I really craved; a luxury which prudence might bid me forego。 As; for instance; my Jung…Stilling。 It caught my eye in Holywell Street; the name was familiar to me in Wahrheit und Dichtung; and curiosity grew as I glanced over the pages。 But that day I resisted; in truth; I could not afford the eighteen…pence; which means that just then I was poor indeed。 Twice again did I pass; each time assuring myself that Jung…Stilling had found no purchaser。 There came a day when I was in funds。 I see myself hastening to Holywell Street (in those days my habitual pace was five miles an hour); I see the little grey old man with whom I transacted my business……what was his name?……the bookseller who had been; I believe; a Catholic priest; and still had a certain priestly dignity about him。 He took the volume; opened it; mused for a moment; then; with a glance at me; said; as if thinking aloud: 〃Yes; I wish I had time to read it。〃

Sometimes I added the labour of a porter to my fasting endured for the sake of books。 At the little shop near Portland Road Station I came upon a first edition of Gibbon; the price an absurdity……I think it was a shilling a volume。 To possess those clean…paged quartos I would have sold my coat。 As it happened; I had not money enough with me; but sufficient at home。 I was living at Islington。 Having spoken with the bookseller; I walked home; took the cash; walked back again; and……carried the tomes from the west end of Euston Road to a street in Islington far beyond the Angel。 I did it in two journeys……this being the only time in my life when I thought of Gibbon in avoirdupois。 Twice……three times; reckoning the walk for the money……did I descend Euston Road and climb Pentonville on that occasion。 Of the season and the weather I have no recollection; my joy in the purchase I had made drove out every other thought。 Except; indeed; of the weight。 I had infinite energy; but not much muscular strength; and the end of the last journey saw me upon a chair; perspiring; flaccid; aching……exultant!

The well…to…do person would hear this story with astonishment。 Why did I not get the bookseller to send me the volumes? Or; if I could not wait; was there no omnibus along that London highway? How could I make the well…to…do person understand that I did not feel able to afford; that day; one penny more than I had spent on the book? No; no; such labour…saving expenditure did not e within my scope; whatever I enjoyed I earned it; literally; by the sweat of my brow。 In those days I hardly knew what it was to travel by omnibus。 I have walked London streets for twelve and fifteen hours together without ever a thought of saving my legs; or my time; by paying for waftage。 Being poor as poor can be; there were certain things I had to renounce; and this was one of them。

Years after; I sold my first edition of Gibbon for even less than it cost me; it went with a great many other fine books in folio and quarto; which I could not drag about with me in my constant removals; the man who bought them spoke of them as 〃tomb…stones。〃 Why has Gibbon no market value? Often has my heart ached with regret for those quartos。 The joy of reading the Decline and Fall in that fine type! The page was appropriate to the dignity of the subject; the mere sight of it tuned ones mind。 I suppose I could easily get another copy now; but it would not be to me what that other was; with its memory of dust and toil。


There must be several men of spirit and experiences akin to mine who remember that little book…shop opposite Portland Road Station。 It had a peculiar character; the books were of a solid kind……chiefly theology and classics……and for the most part those old editions which are called worthless; which have no bibliopolic value; and have been supplanted for practical use by modern issues。 The bookseller was very much a gentleman; and this singular fact; together with the extremely low prices at which his volumes were marked; sometimes inclined me to think that he kept the shop for mere love of letters。 Things in my eyes inestimable I have purchased there for a few pence; and I dont think I ever gave more than a shilling for any volume。 As I once had the opportunity of perceiving; a young man fresh from class…rooms could only look with wondering contempt on the antiquated stuff which it rejoiced me to gather from that kindly stall; or from the richer shelves within。 My Ciceros Letters for instance: podgy volumes in parchment; with all the notes of Graevius; Gronovius; and I know not how many other old scholars。 Pooh! Hopelessly out of date。 But I could never feel that。 I have a deep affection for Graevius and Gronovius and the rest; and if I knew as much as they did; I should be well satisfied to rest under the young mans disdain。 The zeal of learning is never out of date; the example……were there no more…… burns before one as a sacred fire; for ever unquenchable。 In what modern editor shall I find such love and enthusiasm as glows in the annotations of old scholars?

Even the best editions of our day have so much of the mere schoolbook; you feel so often that the man does not regard his author as literature; but simply as text。 Pedant for pedant; the old is better than the new。


To…days newspaper contains a yard or so of reading about a spring horse…race。 The sight of it fills me with loathing。 It brings to my mind that placard I saw at a station in Surrey a year or two ago; advertising certain races in the neighbourhood。 Here is the poster; as I copied it into my note…book:

〃Engaged by the Executive to ensure order and fort to the public attending this meeting:…

14 detectives (racing); 15 detectives (Scotland Yard); 7 police inspectors; 9 police sergeants; 76 police; and a supernumerary contingent o

天下父母  有一首歌  为人民服务  直面挑战 [rising to the challenge]  鲤·暧昧主编:张悦然  刺猬的优雅  高山上的呼喊-go tell it on the mountain  城市与狗  西游补  机械狂人  三杯茶第一部  神曲奏界02共鸣乐章  莫里哀传  百花缭乱05  误入桃花源  摆渡人  为了告别的聚会  流星慢舞  绞刑架下的报告  购物狂的异想世界+购物狂纽约血拼记  















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...



