my father was all over her; trying to calm her down。 It
was no use。 She basically dissolved right there on the spot。
Lyta threw her napkin down and muttered; “This family is a joke;” and took off。 Then my
mother bolted out of the room; sobbing into her hands;
and my father raced after her; throwing my grandfather the wickedest look Id ever seen。
That left Granddad and me and a table full of cold food。 “Wow;” I finally said。 “I had no idea。”
“You still dont;” he told me。
“What do you mean?”
He sat there like granite for a minute; then leaned across the table toward me and said; “Why
do you suppose that upset your mother so much?”
“I…I dont know。” I gave a halfhearted grin and said; “Because shes female?”
He smiled; but just barely。 “No。 Shes upset because she knows that she could very well be
standing in Mr。 Bakers shoes right now。”
I thought about it a minute and finally asked; “Did her brother have the cord around his neck
when he was born?”
He shook his head。
“Well; then …”
He leaned forward even farther and whispered; “You did。”
“I did?”
He nodded。 “Twice。”
“But …”
“The doctor who delivered you was on the ball; plus apparently there was some slack in the
cord; so he was able to loop it off as you came out。
……… Page 42………
You didnt hang yourself ing into the world; but it could very easily have gone the other
If Id been told years or even weeks ago that Id e down the chute noosed and ready to
hang; Id have made some kind of joke about it; or
more likely Id have said; Yeah; thats nice; now can you spare me the discussion?
But after everything that had happened; I was really freaking out; and I couldnt escape the
questions tidal…waving my brain。 Where would I be if
things had been different? What would they have done with me? From the way my dad was
talking; he wouldnt have had much use for me; thats for
sure。 Hed have stuck me in a nuthouse somewhere; any where; and forgotten about me。 But
[西幻]是修真不是长歌 三号疗养院 画弄吟 无心的尸体 (新女驸马同人)新女驸马之逍遥劫 老祖现代的快乐生活 重生之完美强运-重生之完美强孕 (芈月传同人)帝国的女人--丹砂女王 (足坛同人)波西米亚神想曲 作者:掐掐小肉馅儿 (韩娱同人)(韩娱)乐途人 爱管闲事的名侦探 霸主的男奴 出柜 中国大妞闯纽约(gl) (综同人)[综]打击罪犯的一百种方法 我饿起来连自己都吃 作者:夜半赏菊 俘虏撩汉日常 作者:九玄 (韩娱同人)[韩娱]非好感搭档 龙凤呈祥事务所 (火影同人)火影 据说她是宇智波
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...