have a way of making you look like a homeless person。 A glamorous
one; in Serena’s case。
She hadn’t had a haircut in over a year。 Last night she’d worn it
pulled back; but today it was down and looking pretty shaggy。 Her
boy’s white oxford shirt was frayed in the collar and cuffs; and
through it; her purple lace bra was visible。 On her feet was her
favorite pair of brown lace…up boots; and her black stockings had a
big hole behind one knee。 Worst of all; she’d had to buy all new
uniforms; since she’d thrown hers down the garbage chute when
she’d gone away to boarding school。 Her new uniform was what
stuck out the most。
The new uniforms were the plague of the sixth grade; which was the
year Constance girls graduated from a tunic to a skirt。 The new
skirts were made out of polyester and had pleats that were
unnaturally rigid。 The material had a terrible; tacky sheen and came
in a new color: maroon。 It was hideous。 And it was this maroon
uniform that Serena had chosen to wear on her first day back at
Constance。 Plus; hers came all the way down to her knees! All of the
other seniors were wearing the same old navy blue wool skirts
they’d been wearing since sixth grade。 They’d grown so much their
skirts were extremely short。 The shorter the skirt; the cooler the
Blair actually hadn’t grown that much; so she’d secretly had hers
“What the fuck is she wearing; anyway?” Kati Farkas hissed。
“Maybe she thinks the maroon looks like Prada or something;”
Laura sniggered back。
“I think she’s trying to make some kind of statement;” Isabel
whispered。 “Like; look at me; I’m Serena; I’m beautiful; I can wear
whatever I want。”
And she can; Blair thought。 That was one of the things that always
infuriated her about Serena。 She looked good in anything。
But never mind how Serena looked。 What Jenny and every other
person in the room wanted to know was: Why is she back?
They craned their necks to see。 Did she have a black eye? Was she
pregnant? Did she look stoned? Did she have all her teeth? Was
there anything different about her at all?
“Is that a scar on her cheek?” Rain whispered。
神国:我的眷属全是女神 三世之路我为尊 官场:从卫生院走向权力巅峰 全民求生:别种了,物资装不下了 搞定你的心 校园全能高手 总裁时尚偷心法则 搬空皇宫后,她救了满门忠烈 精兵强将系统,百万虎贲镇大宋 不怕校花多高冷,就怕学长撩妹稳 我拥有了时空回溯 僵尸:在九叔世界除魔卫道 王妃会发疯,摄政王疯狂心动 月缺光不改 平行人生 百鬼独行 四合院:虐惨秦淮茹,决不被吸血 大秦:开局被始皇听见心声 舞龙舞狮(上) 狡猾娘娘腔(下)
一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力? 颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹 ...
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...