Yes; S is back from boarding school。 Her hair is longer; paler。 Her
blue eyes have that deep mysteriousness of kept secrets。 She is
wearing the same old fabulous clothes; now in rags from fending off
New England storms。 This morning S’s laughter echoed off the
steps of the Met; where we will no longer be able to enjoy a quick
smoke and a cappuccino without seeing her waving to us from her
parents’ apartment across the street。 She has picked up the habit of
biting her fingernails; which makes us wonder about her even more;
and while we are all dying to ask her why she got kicked out of
boarding school; we won’t; because we’d really rather she had
stayed away。 But S is definitely here。
Just to be safe; we should all synchronize our watches。 If we aren’t
careful; S is going to win over our teachers; wear that dress we
couldn’t fit into; eat the last olive; have sex in our parents’ beds;
spill Campari on our rugs; steal our brothers’ and our boyfriends’
hearts; and basically ruin our lives and piss us all off in a major way。
I’ll be watching closely。 I’ll be watching all of us。 It’s going to be a
wild and wicked year。 I can smell it。
“I watched Nickelodeon all morning in my room so I wouldn’t have
to eat breakfast with them;” Blair Waldorf told her two best friends
and Constance Billard School classmates; Kati Farkas and Isabel
Coates。 “My mother cooked him an omelet。 I didn’t even know she
knew how to use the stove。”
Blair tucked her long; dark brown hair behind her ears and swigged
her mother’s fine vintage scotch from the crystal tumbler in her
hand。 She was already on her second glass。
“What shows did you watch?” Isabel asked; removing a stray strand
of hair from Blair’s black cashmere cardigan。
“Who cares?” Blair said; stamping her foot。 She was wearing her
new black ballet flats。 Very bow…tie proper preppy; which she could
get away with because she could change her mind in an instant and
put on her trashy; pointed; knee…high boots and that sexy metallic
skirt her mother hated。 Poof—rock star sex kitten。 Meow。
“The point is; I was trapped in my room all morning because they
were busy having a gross romantic breakfast in their matching red
全民求生:别种了,物资装不下了 百鬼独行 平行人生 王妃会发疯,摄政王疯狂心动 搞定你的心 精兵强将系统,百万虎贲镇大宋 大秦:开局被始皇听见心声 搬空皇宫后,她救了满门忠烈 狡猾娘娘腔(下) 我拥有了时空回溯 三世之路我为尊 僵尸:在九叔世界除魔卫道 总裁时尚偷心法则 校园全能高手 不怕校花多高冷,就怕学长撩妹稳 月缺光不改 官场:从卫生院走向权力巅峰 神国:我的眷属全是女神 四合院:虐惨秦淮茹,决不被吸血 舞龙舞狮(上)
一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力? 颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹 ...
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...