


f; where it belongs; but in the world outside him。 His spiritual temperature is always being raised or lowered by the social climate around him; and he is a mere creature at the mercy of these elements。

Praise gives him a feeling of euphoria; which is false; because it does not last and it does not e from self approval4。 Criticism depresses him more than it should; because it confirms his own secretly shaky opinion of himself。 Snubs hurt him; and the merest suspicion of unpopularity in any quarter rouses him to bitterness。

A serenity of spirit cannot be achieved until we bee the masters of our own actions and attitudes。 To let another determine whether we shall be rude or gracious5; elated or depressed; is to relinquish control over our own personalities; which is ultimately all we possess。 The only true possession is self…possession。







… 心灵小语


Dare to Dream


Life!What a precious1 gift from God。 What a blessing to be alive in a wonderful; vibrant world of unlimited possibilities。 Then; adversity strikes; and this “gift” feels more like a curse2。 “Why? Why me?” We ask。 Yet we never get an answer; or do we? After contracting Hodgkin’s disease at age seven and being given six months to live; I triumphed over the odds。 Call it luck; hope; faith or courage; there are thousands of survivors! Winners like us know the answer—“Why not us? We can handle it!” I’m not dying3 of cancer。 I’m living with cancer。 God doesn’t make junk; regardless of what es our way; and I don’t have to be afraid anymore。 txt小说上传分享


In my sophomore4 year of high school; the class was scheduled to run the mile。 I will always remember that day because due to the swelling and scars from surgery on my leg; for two solid years I had not worn shorts。 I was afraid of the teasing。 So; for two years I lived in fear。 Yet that day; it didn’t matter。 I was ready —shorts; heart and mind。 I no sooner got to the starting line before I heard the loud whispers。“Gross !”“How fat!”“How ugly!” I blocked it out。

Then the coach yelled; “Ready。 Set。 Go!” I jetted out of there like an airplane; faster than anyone for the first 20 feet。 I didn’t know much about pacing then; but it was okay because I was determined to finish first。 As we came around the first of four laps; there were students all over the track。 By the end of the second lap; many of the students had already quit。 They had given up and were on the ground gasping for air。 As I started the third lap; only a few of my classmates were left on the track; and I began limping。 By the time I hit the fourth lap; I was alone。 Then it hit me。 I realized that nobody had given up。 Instead; everyone had already finished。 As I ran that last lap; I cried。 I realized that every boy and girl in my class had beaten me; and 12 minutes; 42 seconds after starting; I crossed the finish line。 I fell to the ground and shed oceans。 I was so embarrassed。

Suddenly my coach ran up to me and picked me up; yelling;“You did it。 Manuel!Manuel; you finished; son。 You finished!”He looked me straight in the eyes; waving a piece of paper in his hand。 It was my goal for the day; which I had forgotten。 I had given it to him before class。 He read it aloud to everyone。 It simply said;“I; Manuel Diotte; will finish the mile run tomorrow; e what may。 No pain or frustration will stop me。 For I am more than capable of finishing; and with God as my strength; I will finish。” Signed; Manuel Diotte—with a little smiling face inside the D; as I always sign my name。 My heart lifted。 My tears went away; and I had a smile on my face as if I had eaten a banana。 My classmates applauded and gave me my first standing ovation5。 It was then I realized winning isn’t always finishing first。 Sometimes winning is just finishing。





平凡的异界生活  就你不按套路重生啊  武道:我能复制别人天赋  斗破苍穹  奇幻笔记本  深夜,他爬上我的床  江山多少年  倾国绝宠刁蛮妃  坏坏王爷爆笑妃:宝贝,咱成亲(完结)  空间之重生90,我要赚大钱  都市小神仙  依然是你  [死神]吾之爱在永无岛  hp之任潜悠的HP之旅  天鹅姑娘  长辫子精灵的情事  仙子戏凡尘  异界小女人 无望的生活  明媚人生  被救赎的灵魂:清水湖的水晕  


















