


At that moment the wind rose in a gust; driving snow against the shutters; but

it seemed to her that there had been something。 A muffled sort of groan。


No returning sound this time; but her eyes fell on something beneath the

batwing doors of the Colorado Lounge; something that gleamed faintly in the

subdued light。 Jacks cigarette lighter。

Plucking up her courage; she crossed to the batwings and pushed them open。 The

smell of gin was so strong that her breath snagged in her throat。 It wasnt even

right to call it a smell; it was a positive reek。 But the shelves were empty。

Where in Gods name had he found it? A bottle hidden at the back of one of the

cupboards? Where?

There was another groan; low and fuzzy; but perfectly audible this time。 Wendy

walked slowly to the bar。


No answer。

She looked over the bar and there he was; sprawled out on the floor in a

stupor。 Drunk as a lord; by the smell。 He must have tried to go right over the

top and lost his balance。 A wonder he hadnt broken his neck。 An old proverb

recurred to her: God looks after drunks and little children。 Amen。

Yet she was not angry with him; looking down at him she thought be looked like

a horribly overtired little boy who had tried to do too much and had fallen

asleep in the middle of the living room floor。 He had stopped drinking and it

was not Jack who had made the decision to start again; there had been no liquor

for him to start with 。。。 so where had it e from?

Resting at every five or six feet along the horseshoe…shaped bar there were

wine bottles wrapped in straw; their mouths plugged with candles。 Supposed to

look bohemian; she supposed。 She picked one up and shook it; half…expecting to

hear the slosh of gin inside it

(new wine in old bottles)

but there was nothing。 She set it back down。

Jack was stirring。 She went around the bar; found the gate; and walked back on

the inside to where Jack lay; pausing only to look at the gleaming chromium

taps。 They were dry; but when she passed close to them she could smell beer; wet

and new; like a fine mist。

As she reached Jack he rolled over; opened his eyes; and looked up at her。 For

a moment his gaze was utterly blank; and then it cleared。

入殓师灵异录  公子扶苏  历史的空白处  重生:权势巅峰  偷不走的宝石  11处特工皇妃(特工皇妃楚乔传原著小说)  雷神之祖  直播探险,出人命了  秦亡新论  穆斯林的葬礼  家有匪婆 完结  时光若有张不老的脸  失乐园  情人  我有一口镇世钟  化身  安德的影子  穿越之公主至尊  乱世帝王  末世之猎食禁止 作者:璃九笙  






一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力?  颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹  ...












唐门外门弟子唐三,因偷学内门绝学为唐门所不容,跳崖明志时却发现没有死,反而以另外一个身份来到了另一个世界,一个属于武魂的世界,名叫斗罗大陆。这里没有魔法,没有斗气,没有武术,却有神奇的武魂。这里的每个人,在自己六岁的时候,都会在武魂殿中令武魂觉醒。武魂有动物,有植物,有器物,武魂可以辅助人们的日常生活。而其中一些特别出色的武魂却可以用来修炼并进行战斗,这个职业,是斗罗大陆上最为强大也是最荣耀的职业魂师  当唐门暗器来到斗罗大陆,当唐三武魂觉醒,他能否在这片武魂的世界再铸唐门的辉煌?他能否成为这个世界的主宰神...
