


fireplace or the tall china highboy at the back of the dining room。

A sense of injustice and a feeling of angry rebellion suddenly rose in him and

(never mind what im not supposed to touch; just never mind。 touched me;

hasnt it? played with me; hasnt it?)

It had。 And it hadnt been particularly careful not to break him; either。

Danny put his hands out; grasped the glass dome; and lifted it aside。 He let

one finger play over the works for a moment; the pad of his index finger denting

against the cogs; running smoothly over the wheels。 He picked up the silver key。

For an adult it would have been unfortably small; but it fitted his own

fingers perfectly。 He placed it in the keyhole at the center of the clockface。

It went firmly home with a tiny click; more felt than heard。 It wound to the

right; of course; clockwise。

Danny turned the key until it would turn no more and then removed it。 The

clock began to tick。 Cogs turned。 A large balance wheel rocked back and forth in

semicircles。 The hands were moving。 If you kept your head perfectly motionless

and your eyes wide open; you could see the minute hand inching along toward its

meeting some forty…five minutes from now with the hour hand。 At XII。

(And the Red Death held sway over all。)

He frowned; and then shook the thought away。 It was a thought with no meaning

or reference for him。

He reached his index finger out again and pushed the minute band up to the

hour; curious about what might happen。 It obviously wasnt a cuckoo clock; but

that steel rail had to have some purpose。

There was a small; ratcheting series of clicks; and then the clock began to

tinkle Strausss 〃Blue Danube Waltz。〃 A punched roll of cloth no more than two

inches in width began to unwind。 A small series of brass strikers rose and fell。

From behind the clockface two figures glided into view along the steel track;

ballet dancers; on the left a girl in a fluffy skirt and white stockings; on the

right a boy in a black leotard and ballet slippers。 Their hands were held in

arches over their beads。 They came together in the middle; in front of VI。

Danny espied tiny grooves in their sides; just below their armpits。 The axis

bar slipped into these grooves and he heard another small click。 The cogs at

either end of the bar began to turn。 〃The Blue Danube〃 tinkled。 The dancers

arms came down around each other。 The boy flipped the girl up over his head and

then whirled over the bar。 They were now lying prone; the boys head buried

雷神之祖  我有一口镇世钟  公子扶苏  时光若有张不老的脸  11处特工皇妃(特工皇妃楚乔传原著小说)  安德的影子  穿越之公主至尊  情人  家有匪婆 完结  历史的空白处  秦亡新论  重生:权势巅峰  穆斯林的葬礼  直播探险,出人命了  入殓师灵异录  偷不走的宝石  失乐园  化身  末世之猎食禁止 作者:璃九笙  乱世帝王  


















