


about Tony。 He made his thumb…sucking hand go back into his lap。

〃Whos Tony?〃

And suddenly Danny had one of those flashes of understanding that frightened

him most of all; it was like a sudden glimpse of some inprehensible machine

that might be safe or might be deadly dangerous。 He was too young to know which。

He was too young to understand。

〃Whats wrong?〃 he cried。 〃Youre asking me all this because youre worried;

arent you? Why are you worried about me? Why are you worried about us?〃

Hallorann put his large dark hands on the small boys shoulders。 〃Stop;〃 he

said。 〃Its probably nothin。 But if it is somethin 。。。 well; youve got a large

thing in your head; Danny。 Youll have to do a lot of growin yet before you

catch up to it; I guess。 You got to be brave about it。〃

〃But I dont understand things!〃 Danny burst out。 〃I do but I dont! People 。。。 they feel things and I

feel them; but I dont know what Im feeling!〃 He

looked down at his lap wretchedly。 〃I wish I could read。 Sometimes Tony shows me

signs and I can hardly read any of them。〃

〃Whos Tony?〃 Hallorann asked again。

〃Mommy and Daddy call him my ‘invisible playmate; 〃 Danny said; reciting the

words carefully。 〃But hes really real。 At least; I think he is。 Sometimes; when

I try real hard to understand things; he es。 He says; Danny; I want to show

you something。 And its like I pass out。 Only 。。。 there are dreams; like you

said。〃 He looked at Hallorann and swallowed。 〃They used to be nice。 But now 。。。  I cant remember

the word for dreams that scare you and make you cry。〃

〃Nightmares?〃 Hallorann asked。

〃Yes。 Thats right。 Nightmares。〃

〃About this place? About the Overlook?〃

Danny looked down at his thumb…sucking hand again。 〃Yes;〃 he whispered。 Then

he spoke shrilly; looking up into Halloranns face: 〃But I cant tell my daddy;

and you cant; either! He has to have this job because its the only one Uncle

Al could get for him and he has to finish his play or he might start doing the

Bad Thing again and I know what that is; its getting drunk; thats what it is;

its when he used to always be drunk and that was a Bad Thing to do!〃 He

stopped; on the verge of tears。

〃Shh;〃 Hallorann said; and pulled Dannys face against the rough serge of his

安德的影子  乱世帝王  秦亡新论  重生:权势巅峰  公子扶苏  失乐园  化身  11处特工皇妃(特工皇妃楚乔传原著小说)  我有一口镇世钟  情人  穿越之公主至尊  入殓师灵异录  历史的空白处  雷神之祖  直播探险,出人命了  末世之猎食禁止 作者:璃九笙  时光若有张不老的脸  偷不走的宝石  穆斯林的葬礼  家有匪婆 完结  



唐门外门弟子唐三,因偷学内门绝学为唐门所不容,跳崖明志时却发现没有死,反而以另外一个身份来到了另一个世界,一个属于武魂的世界,名叫斗罗大陆。这里没有魔法,没有斗气,没有武术,却有神奇的武魂。这里的每个人,在自己六岁的时候,都会在武魂殿中令武魂觉醒。武魂有动物,有植物,有器物,武魂可以辅助人们的日常生活。而其中一些特别出色的武魂却可以用来修炼并进行战斗,这个职业,是斗罗大陆上最为强大也是最荣耀的职业魂师  当唐门暗器来到斗罗大陆,当唐三武魂觉醒,他能否在这片武魂的世界再铸唐门的辉煌?他能否成为这个世界的主宰神...















一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力?  颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹  ...
