


control; hell be back for dinner。 So that afternoon she steps into the Colorado

around three and never has no dinner at all。 She goes up to her room around ten…

thirty; and thats the last time anybody saw her alive。〃

〃What happened?〃

〃County coroner said she took about thirty sleepin pills on top of all the

booze。 Her husband showed up the next day; some big…shot lawyer from New York。

He gave old Ullman four different shades of holy hell。 Ill sue this an Ill sue

that an when Im through you wont even be able to find a clean pair of

underwear; stuff like that。 But Ullmans good; the sucker。 Ullman got him

quieted down。 Probably asked that bigshot how hed like to see his wife splashed

all over the New York papers: Wife of Prominent New York Blah Blah Found Dead

With Bellyful of Sleeping Pills。 After playing hide…the…salami with a kid young

enough to be her grandson。

〃The state cops found the Porsche in the back of this allnight burger joint

down in Lyons; and Ullman pulled a few strings to get it released to that

lawyer。 Then both of them ganged up on old Archer Houghton; which is the county

coroner; and got him to change the verdict to accidental death。 Heart attack。

Now ole Archers driving a Chrysler。 I dont begrudge him。 A mans got to take

it where he finds it; especially when he starts gettin along in years。〃

Out came the bandanna。 Honk。 Peek。 Out of sight。

〃So what happens? About a week later this stupid cunt of a chambermaid;

Delores Vickery by name; she gives out with a helluva shriek while shes makin

up the room where those two stayed; and she faints dead away。 When she es to

she says she seen the dead woman in the bathroom; layin naked in the tub。 Her

face was all purple an puffy。 she says; an she was grinnin at me。 So Ullman

gave her two weeks worth of walking papers and told her to get lost。 I figure

theres maybe forty…fifty people died in this hotel since my grandfather opened

it for business in 1910。〃

He looked shrewdly at Jack。

〃You know how most of em go? Heart attack or stroke; while theyre bangin the

lady theyre with。 Thats what these resorts get a lot of; old types that want

one last fling。 They e up here to the mountains to pretend theyre twenty

again。 Sometimes somethin gives; and not all the guys who ran this place was as

good as Ullman is at keepin it out of the papers。 So the Overlooks got a

reputation; yeah。 Ill bet the fuckin Biltmore in New York City has got a

reputation; if you ask the right people。〃

〃But no ghosts?〃

〃Mr。 Torrance; Ive worked here all my life。 I played here when I was a kid no

oldern your boy in that wallet snapshot you showed me。 I never seen a ghost

yet。 You want to e out back with me; Ill show you the equipment shed。〃

历史的空白处  直播探险,出人命了  穆斯林的葬礼  时光若有张不老的脸  家有匪婆 完结  11处特工皇妃(特工皇妃楚乔传原著小说)  公子扶苏  化身  失乐园  入殓师灵异录  乱世帝王  秦亡新论  我有一口镇世钟  安德的影子  重生:权势巅峰  雷神之祖  穿越之公主至尊  末世之猎食禁止 作者:璃九笙  情人  偷不走的宝石  






一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力?  颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹  ...












唐门外门弟子唐三,因偷学内门绝学为唐门所不容,跳崖明志时却发现没有死,反而以另外一个身份来到了另一个世界,一个属于武魂的世界,名叫斗罗大陆。这里没有魔法,没有斗气,没有武术,却有神奇的武魂。这里的每个人,在自己六岁的时候,都会在武魂殿中令武魂觉醒。武魂有动物,有植物,有器物,武魂可以辅助人们的日常生活。而其中一些特别出色的武魂却可以用来修炼并进行战斗,这个职业,是斗罗大陆上最为强大也是最荣耀的职业魂师  当唐门暗器来到斗罗大陆,当唐三武魂觉醒,他能否在这片武魂的世界再铸唐门的辉煌?他能否成为这个世界的主宰神...
