



〃Take it easy; Harry。〃

Looking back down; they could see the habitat with its lights。 And then the long lines of explosives set over the spaceship itself。 They rose past the high fin of the spacecraft; leaving it behind; seeing only black water now。

〃One minute twenty。〃

〃Nine hundred feet;〃 Norman said。 There was very little sensation of movement; only the changing dials on the instrument panel to tell them they were moving。

〃Its not fast enough;〃 Harry said。 〃Thats a hell of a lot of explosive down there。〃

It is fast enough; Norman thought; correcting him。

〃The shock wave will crush us like a can of sardines;〃 Harry said; shaking his head。

The shock wave will not harm us。

Eight hundred feet。

〃Forty seconds;〃 Harry said。 〃Well never make it。〃

〃Well make it。〃

''358'' They were at seven hundred feet; rising fast。 The water now had a faint blue color: sunlight filtering down。

〃Thirty seconds;〃 Harry said。 〃Where are we? Twenty…nine 。。。 eight 。。。〃

〃Six hundred twenty feet;〃 Norman said。 〃Six ten。〃

They looked back down the side of the sub。 They could barely discern the habitat; faint pinpricks of light far beneath them。

Beth coughed。 〃Its too late now;〃 Harry said。 〃I knew from the beginning wed never make it。〃

〃Yes we will;〃 Norman said。

〃Ten seconds;〃 Harry said。 〃Nine 。。。 eight 。。。 Brace yourself!〃

Norman pulled Beth to his chest as the explosion rocked the submarine; spinning it like a toy; upending it; then righting it again; and lifting it in a giant upward surge。

〃Mama!〃 Harry shouted; but they were still rising; they were okay。 〃We did it!〃

〃Two hundred feet;〃 Norman said。 The water outside was now light blue。 He pushed buttons; slowing the ascent。 They were going up very fast。

Harry was screaming; pounding Norman on the back。 〃We did it! God damn it; you son of a bitch; we did it! We survived! I never thought we would! We survived!〃

Norman was having trouble seeing the instruments for tears in his eyes。

And then he had to squint as bright sunlight streamed into the bubble canopy as they surfaced; and they saw calm seas; sky; and fluffy clouds。

〃Do you see that?〃 Harry cried。 He was screaming in Normans ear。 〃Do you see that? It is a perfect goddamned day!〃

0000 HOURS

Norman awoke to see a brilliant shaft of light; streaming through the single porthole; shining down on the chemical toilet in the corner of the depression chamber。 He lay on his bunk and looked around the chamber; a horizontal cylinder fifty feet long: bunks; a metal table and chairs in the center of the cylinder; toilet behind a small partition。 Harry snored in the bunk above him。 Across the chamber; Beth slept; one arm flung over her face。 Faintly; from a distance; he heard men shouting。

Norman yawned; and swung off the bunk。 His body was sore but he was otherwise all right。 He walked to the shining porthole and looked out; squinting in the bright Pacific sun。

He saw the rear deck of the research ship John Hawes: the white helicopter pad; heavy coiled cables; the tubular metal frame of an underwater robot。 A Navy crew was lowering a second robot over the side; with a lot of shouting and swearing and waving of hands; Norman had heard their voices faintly through the thick steel walls of the chamber。

Near the chamber itself; a muscular seaman rolled a large green tank marked 〃Oxygen〃 alongside a dozen other tanks on the deck。 The three…man medical crew which supervised the depression chamber played cards。

Looking through the inch…thick glass of the porthole; Norman felt as if he were peering into a miniature world to which he had little connection; a kind of terrarium populated by interesting and exotic specimens。 This new world was as alien to him as the dark ocean world had once seemed from inside the habitat。

He watched the crew slap down their cards on a wooden packing crate; watched them laugh and gesture as the game proceeded。 They never glanced in his direction; never looked at the depression chamber。 Norman didnt understand these young men。 Were they supposed to be paying attention to the depression? They looked young and inexperienced to Norman。 Focused on their card game; they seemed ''360'' indifferent to the huge metal chamber nearby; indifferent to the three survivors inside the chamber…and indifferent to the larger meaning of the mission; to the news the survivors had brought back to the surface。 These cheerful Navy cardplayers didnt seem to give a damn about Normans mission。 But perhaps they didnt know。

He turned back to the chamber; sat down at the table。 His knee throbbed; and the skin was swollen around the white bandage。 He had been treated by a Navy physician during their transfer from the submarine to the depression chamber。 They had been taken off the minisub Deepstar III in a pressurized diving bell; and from there had been transferred to the large chamber on the deck of the ship…the SDC; the Navy called it; the surface depression chamber。 They were going to spend four days here。 Norman wasnt sure how long he had been here so far。 They had all immediately gone to sleep; and there was no clock in the chamber。 The face of his own wristwatch was smashed; although he didnt remember it happening。

On the table in front of him; someone had scratched 〃U。S。N。 SUCKS〃 into the surface。 Norman ran his fingers over the grooves; and remembered the grooves in the silver sphere。 But he and Harry and Beth were in the hands of the Navy now。

And he thought: What are we going to tell them?

〃What are we going to tell them?〃 Beth said。

It was several hours later; Beth and Harry had awakened; and now they were all sitting around the scarred metal table。 None of them had made any attempt to talk to the crew outside。 It was; Norman thought; as if they shared an unspoken agreement to remain in isolation a while longer。

〃I think well have to tell them everything;〃 Harry said。

萌侠之金兰结义(上)  被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  风月债  中国远征军史  誓不为妃  韩流逆时代  异世之邪龙游香海  绝尘山庄  新汉艳史  出嫁不从夫1.2  豪门第一长媳  放个恋爱假  月落参横  谁是谁的灰太狼  浪漫的倾心  赌坊恩仇  修真修到了满级大佬家  罪之花  当时明月在  大漠敦煌  



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...















