


〃Were trying; Hal。〃

〃It doesnt look like youre doing anything。〃

From time to time; they glanced at Harry; but Harry just stood there; looking at the sphere; his hand on his chin; tapping his lower lip thoughtfully with his finger。


Harry said nothing。

Ted went up and slapped the sphere with the flat of his hand。 It made a dull sound; but nothing happened。 Ted pounded the sphere with his fist; then he winced and rubbed his hand。

〃I dont think we can force our way in。 I think it has to let you in;〃 Norman said。 Nobody said anything after that。 〃My hand…picked; crack team;〃 Barnes said; needling them。 〃And all they can do is stand around and stare at it。〃

''123'' 〃What do you want us to do; Hal? Nuke it?〃

〃If you dont get it open; there are people who will try that; eventually。〃 He glanced at his watch。 〃Meanwhile; you got any other bright ideas?〃

Nobody did。

〃Okay;〃 Barnes said。 〃Our time is up。 Lets go back to the habitat and get ready to be ferried to the surface。〃


Norman pulled the small navy…issue bag from beneath his bunk in C Cylinder。 He got his shaving kit from the bathroom; found his notebook and his extra pair of socks; and zipped the bag shut。

〃Im ready。〃

〃Me; too;〃 Ted said。 Ted was unhappy; he didnt want to leave。 〃I guess we cant delay it any longer。 The weathers getting worse。 Theyve got all the divers out from DH…7; and now theres only us。〃

Norman smiled at the prospect of being on the surface again。 I never thought Id look forward to seeing Navy battleship gray on a ship; but I do。

〃Wherere the others?〃 Norman said。

〃Beths already packed。 I think shes with Barnes in munication。 Harry; too; I guess。〃 Ted plucked at his jumpsuit。 〃Ill tell you one thing; Ill be glad to see the last of this suit。

They left the sleeping quarters; heading down to munications。 On the way; they squeezed past Teeny Fletcher; who was going toward B Cylinder。

〃Ready to leave?〃 Norman said。

〃Yes; sir; all squared away;〃 Fletcher said; but her features were tense; and she seemed rushed; under pressure。

''124'' 〃Arent you going the wrong way?〃 Norman asked。

〃Just checking the diesel backups。〃

Backups? Norman thought。 Why check the backups now that they were leaving?

〃She probably left something on that she shouldnt have;〃 Ted said; shaking his head。

In the munications console; the mood was grim。 Barnes was on the phone with the surface vessels。 〃Say that again;〃 he said。 〃I want to hear whos authorized that。〃 He was frowning; angry。

They looked at Tina。 〃Hows the weather on the surface?〃

〃Deteriorating fast; apparently。〃

Barnes spun: 〃Will you idiots keep it down?〃

Norman dropped his day bag on the floor。 Beth was sitting near the portholes; tired; rubbing her eyes。 Tina was turning off the monitors; one after another; when she suddenly stopped。


On one monitor; they saw the polished sphere。 Harry was standing next to it。

〃Whats he doing there?〃

出嫁不从夫1.2  风月债  被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  异世之邪龙游香海  豪门第一长媳  中国远征军史  当时明月在  新汉艳史  谁是谁的灰太狼  萌侠之金兰结义(上)  放个恋爱假  月落参横  修真修到了满级大佬家  赌坊恩仇  大漠敦煌  绝尘山庄  韩流逆时代  浪漫的倾心  誓不为妃  罪之花  


















