ng 。。。 belonging to the world they have created。
Four Relationsh…
A friend indeed
An English saying has it that a friend in need is a friend indeed。 Many of Chinas top entrepreneurs have had to face up to difficult times。 At just such a point; the entrepreneurs we interviewed found themselves most reliant on their closest relations: their immediate family and best friends。
What makes Bill Gates tick?。 According to veteran internet journalist Robert X。 Cringely; at the heart of it lies Gates petitive nature; fostered by his grandmother; and played out in board games and family athletic contests。
Unlike almost all of Chinas top entrepreneurs today; Gates was born into a well…to…do family。 He had a strong relationship with his mother; a bank director; who prodded him with guidance。 His father was a successful lawyer。 He met Paul Allen; Microsofts co…founder; at high school; and later went up to Harvard with him。 But it was only when Allen was diagnosed with a serious illness; leaving Gates in sole charge of Microsoft; that he honed his executive skills。
Relationship with the country
〃China is like a university student just about to graduate;〃 said Sun Guangxin; chairman of Guanghui Group in late 2001。 〃The student knows much of what needs to be done and is preparing to go out into the world。 The Olympics and WTO will have a stimulant effect on Chinas economy; driving people to bee more petitive。〃
In the US; shareholder value is generally accepted as the reason for running a business; but in China there is a strong feeling; amongst many of the entrepreneurs I have met; of wanting to improve the lot of the people around them and; thereby; earning their respect。
Book series
The Emotional Make…up of Chinas Entrepreneurs is the fifth book in our series on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in China。 Our first book sets out; in a simple dictionary…style format; some of the basic facts relating to Mainland Chinas 100 wealthiest entrepreneurs; together with a description of the evolution of the China Rich List; as published for the last four years in Forbes Global magazine。 Our second book; Qualities for Wealth sets out ten characteristics that make up a successful entrepreneur。 Our third book Key Moments in Wealth Creation highlights the critical turning points for our entrepreneurs; who describe when these moments arose and the factors that influenced their decision…making。 Our fourth book 〃Fortune Genes explores the values our entrepreneurs profess to have and the way they educate their children; with a view to providing a benchmark against which people canmeasure their own success。 The purpose of this book series is to go beyond the China Rich List and start to dig out trends and ideas that e out of it。
The Emotional Make…up of Chinas Entrepreneurs is a book that takes a unique look at the link between an entrepreneurs relationships and business success。 I hope to encourage people to explore further their key relationship networks to build successful personal lives and business careers。
Thank you
Just as with the China Rich List; this book is not one persons work。 There have been many people involved in the production of this book and the rest of the series。 I would especially like to thank the top…notch journalists; who interviewed the entrepreneurs on our behalf; including Yuan Hongming; Zheng Zuoshi; Guo Huailiang; Zhang Guozheng; Liu Li; Chen Bing; Huang Na; Su Xiaohe; Xie Dan; Xue Weizhong; Yu Yong; Yuan Weidong and Zhan Zhengkai。 There was also much behind…the…scenes work by Lily Chen Bing; Linda Cen Liying and James Ding Jian。 This book would not have been possible without these people。
Finally; I would like to thank my wife; who has supported me in this project; despite us only getting married in August last year。
重生之饲养法则 狗儿山上的八路军 重生咸鱼人生 国朝旧事 浦山实与光的日记 狂飙:我是高晓晨,我爸是泰叔 帝国宫廷往事:大明三百年(下) 良缘多磨 天公不语对枯棋 青梅竹马(GL) 成长 朱棣的诸天大明 李宁:创造一切可能 联想风云:揭密联想集团管理内幕 茅盾文学奖入围作品 :李锐银城故事 白星之旅 超级定位之搜刮全宇宙 三国军神 带我走,到远方:她旅行全攻略 家有龙婿
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...