


Vanessa squeezed Hollis’s hand tightly。 She expected him to roll his stormy gray eyes and tell them to fuck themselves。 But instead; he was nodding as if he was agreeing。 What the fuck? Vanessa yanked her hand away; aware that her palms were clammy。

“Here’s my pitch;” Hollis said; his deep voice manding the room。 “Love the Maori boy; love Iceland。 So what if we double the fun and add some twins? That way; we can really explore identity and selfhood and what makes a family。” Hollis nodded; leaning forward on his elbows as if he couldn’t wait to see what else Stacy would add to the idea。 Vanessa felt like she was going to throw up。 He was agreeing with them?

“What makes a family;” Geoff piped up; his voice going up an octave in excitement。 “That could be a great title。”

“Only if we’re a fucking television network for women。” Stacy rolled her eyes in his direction。 “Remember; we need to get the guys。 Are you having trouble in that department?” she asked sarcastically。 “No; what if it’s something like The Tribe Goes Down? See; that’s sexy。”

Vanessa couldn’t take this anymore。 If Hollis wasn’t going to say anything because he was afraid of offending Stacy; well then; she was。 She knew you had to make some promises to get financing; but this was absurd。 “No;” Vanessa said loudly; her voice seeming to ricochet off the glass walls。

“Alyssa?” Stacy asked curiously。

“It’s Vanessa;” Vanessa snapped。 “I’m sorry; but the pitch was about a teenage girl who moves to Brooklyn。 I’m not making a movie about twin Maori boys who move to Iceland;” she said firmly; hoping Stacy would understand。 “I don’t know anything about Iceland。 Or Maoris。”

“Right。” Stacy nodded。 “But this is a Hollis Lyons film。 If Streetscape is producing it; Hollis is directing it;” she said; as if she were a kindergarten teacher explaining to a five…year…old why she couldn’t have two snacks。 “It’ll really be great; Hollis。” Stacy smiled。 “Now; let’s keep going。 So; we get them to Reykjavík; and then…” She trailed off; glancing around the room for the next pitch。

“Then I guess I’m not needed here。” Vanessa stood up。 Tears were dangerously close to flowing; and she would not cry in front of them。 She walked toward the door。 Hollis was still sitting on the edge of his chair; leaning his elbows on the table as if he couldn’t wait to hear Stacy’s latest absurd idea。

“Hollis?” Vanessa asked; her voice shaking。

“See you later;” Hollis called distractedly。 He turned back to the table。 “I think it might be cool if one of them got involved with a Dutch girl from Amsterdam;” he mused。

At this; Vanessa froze。 Her hand was on the doorknob; but she felt paralyzed。 What was Hollis doing? How could he betray her like that?

“Zach; can you walk Alyssa out; while we hash out the Amsterdam plot twist;” Stacy asked; mistaking Vanessa’s pent…up rage for confusion over where the exit was located。

Vanessa swallowed her anger。 She was going to head back to the apartment; pack her stuff; and then go straight to Ruby’s。 If Hollis thought she would continue to live with him; he was dead wrong。 “Hollis is great at plot twists;” Vanessa managed icily before she closed the door。

The best endings are the ones you don’t see ing。

the marriage of two minds works better over beers

Dan lit up a Camel as he stood outside Doma; the busy café on Perry Street。 It was already almost dark; even though it was just four in the afternoon。 The café looked warm and inviting; with people reading tattered paperbacks and couples leaning over their lattes。 But Dan didn’t go in。 He never knew the protocol for meeting someone for coffee。 Did he go in and scout out a table and order? Did he wait outside?

Someone’s really taking this seriously。

He pulled out his phone。 Four…oh…eight。 She probably wouldn’t even show。 This was the last time he was meeting up with a model…slash…actress or whatever Serena was。 He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his corduroys; ready to walk off。

“Dan!” He whirled around and saw Serena。 Dan sucked in his breath。 She was even more stunning than he remembered。 She was wearing a long gray coat; her cheeks flushed from the cold and her long hair loose and golden around her shoulders。 She looked beautiful; otherworldly; like a Hans Christian Andersen princess who’d taken a wrong turn and wound up in the city instead of a forest in Norway。

“Oh my God!” Serena exclaimed; hugging Dan。 She kissed him on the cheek; leaving a sticky lip gloss mark and a tingling sensation。

“Hey;” Dan said casually; trying not to squeak。

“So sorry to keep you waiting!” Serena shook her head apologetically。 “Should we go in?”

“It’s sort of crowded;” Dan pointed out。 Suddenly; he didn’t want to share Serena with the nosy coffee drinkers inside。

别怕,小绵羊  天师下山,红白席上她站岗  校花古游记  九界前传  飘渺之旅(1)  修神成魔  老板,笑一个  遇女心惊  出狱前离婚,高冷女总裁后悔了!  早安,幽灵小姐  梦华传说  蝴蝶金簪  昆仑·天机卷  洪荒凌霄录  贼女王妃  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  第一名男友  女王的裙摆~  重生后,我成了太子的白月光  霸绝天  















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...



