


“You came!” A slow smile spread across Hollis Lyons’s face; reaching his slate gray; thickly lashed eyes。 He was tall and lean; and wore jeans and a purple…and…black…striped vest over a white button…down。 A black newsboy cap sat jauntily on his head; his messy black hair sticking out from underneath。 On anyone else; the outfit would’ve looked ridiculous; but on Hollis; it somehow worked。 Vanessa randomly thought of a young Christian Bale in Newsies; a movie Jenny loved for no apparent reason。

Hollis draped his arm over Vanessa’s shoulder and led her into the kitchen。

“As you can see; we’re extremely well stocked。” He gestured to the makeshift bar like a game show host。 The cracked laminate counter was littered with empty bottles and cans。 “What can I get you?”

“Whatever you’re having。”

“PBR?” Hollis opened the refrigerator and held out a can toward her。 “Seems to be all that’s left。 I thought we’d just have a couple of people; but we’re at capacity。” He passed the beer to Vanessa。 “Just so you know; I don’t make a habit of drinking with my students。”

“I’m not your student anymore!” Vanessa had to yell above the music。 Le Tigre was pounding so hard through the stereo that the hardwood floor seemed to be shaking。

“I know!” Hollis grinned and clinked his glass against hers。 “Let’s go upstairs!”

He opened the door of the apartment and Vanessa followed。 He swung his leg onto a rickety fire escape ladder installed four feet above the floor; holding his beer precariously with one hand the whole time。 Vanessa clambered after him; her hands gripping the freezing fire escape; and stepped onto a narrow landing。 They faced a large black metal door with a note tacked on: DO NOT OPEN; ALARM WILL SOUND。

Hollis pushed open the door。 They were greeted by silence instead of a loud siren。 “That’s been there for years;” he explained; walking out onto the unfinished tar…covered roof。 Around them; other people were on their own rooftops; setting off rogue fireworks; toasting each other; and laughing。

“I love it up here;” Hollis said。 “It’s like a party in the sky。 LA was nothing like this。 In LA; you always have to get in your car to do just about anything。 Here; everyone’s so connected。” He shrugged as he sipped his beer and surveyed the surrounding rooftops。 “I kind of wish I had my camera。”

“I have mine。” Vanessa pulled her camera out of her messenger bag and offered it to him。 She crossed her arms over her chest and clamped her teeth together so they wouldn’t chatter。 She didn’t want Hollis to know how cold she was; because she didn’t want him to suggest they head back downstairs。

Is that so?

Hollis took the camera carefully from her hands and pointed it in her direction。 “I’m glad we came up here;” he said; slowly panning the camera so it took in the other rooftops。 He stopped once he came to Vanessa。 “So; tell me the story of your life。 Maybe I can make it into a movie that’ll get me out of my five…hundred…square…foot apartment。”

“Do you use all your students for story ideas?” Vanessa took a sip of PBR to stop herself from saying anything else stupid。 Why was she suddenly so nervous? She’d spent plenty of time alone with Hollis; debating the merits of Cassavetes after class。 But for some reason; being alone with him right now felt scary and thrilling at the same time。

“As you pointed out: You’re not my student anymore。 Now; sit on the picnic table over there and tell me more about yourself。 That’s an order;” he added; a playful smile snaking across his lips。

“What do you want to know?” Vanessa perched on a rickety picnic table surrounded by rusted lawn chairs; the cold seeping through her jeans。 No guy had ever asked to film her before。 She used to film Dan a lot。 But she didn’t want to think about Dan right now。

Wonder why?

“Right now; you’re doing this little snarl thing with your upper lip; but you’re smiling the whole time。 It’s cute。 Has anyone ever told you you do that?” Hollis asked。

“No。” Vanessa shook her head。 She smiled while snarling? And Hollis thought it was cute?

We all have our special talents。

Below them; people from the bar across the street were spilling onto the sidewalk; blowing noisemakers。 “It’s almost New Year’s!” someone yelled into the night air。

“Should we go back downstairs?” Vanessa asked nervously。 Hollis put the camera down on the bench and sat down next to her。

Just then; the group clustered on the sidewalk began counting down: “Five; four; three; two; one…

“Happy New Year!” The phrase rose like a collective chorus; from the streets below and the roofs around them。

Hollis brushed his hand against Vanessa’s cheek; then cupped her chin and pulled her mouth toward his。 “In case you thought you missed your opportunity for a New Year’s kiss;” he murmured as his lips brushed hers。

Vanessa hesitated for a fraction of a second; as an image of Dan’s sallow face flashed across her mind。 Dan; her Dan; who was back and wanted to move in together; go to school together; start a life together。 But it was this thought exactly that made her kiss Hollis right back。 His mouth tasted clean and cinnamony and not at all like Folgers。 She knew it was wrong and that she’d have a lot of thinking to do in the morning。 But up here; on the roof; so close to the winter stars; it felt so right。

In film…speak; this is called a central conflict。

missed connections

From: svw@vanderWoodsen。

To: bcw@yaleuniversity。edu

Time: Friday; December 31; 11:58 p。m。

Subject: Re: Here!

… with 2 mins to go before New Year’s! A million sorries and a thousand ridiculous reasons why I’m late but I’ll make it up to you; I promise! Just let me know where you are because this party needs fun and you and I are the only ones who can supply it。 Xoxoxoxoxoxox Serena

From: bcw@yaleuniversity。edu

蝴蝶金簪  第一名男友  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  梦华传说  贼女王妃  洪荒凌霄录  女王的裙摆~  天师下山,红白席上她站岗  九界前传  别怕,小绵羊  早安,幽灵小姐  重生后,我成了太子的白月光  修神成魔  遇女心惊  霸绝天  老板,笑一个  出狱前离婚,高冷女总裁后悔了!  昆仑·天机卷  校花古游记  飘渺之旅(1)  















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...



