een more than eighteen; younger than his son; Tim。
〃Ready to go; sir?〃 the pilot said。
〃Sure;〃 Norman said。 He was as ready as he would ever be。
Up close; the sub did not look like a toy。 It was incredibly massive and strong。 Norman saw a single porthole of curved acrylic。 It was held in place by bolts as big as his fist。 He touched them; tentatively。
The pilot smiled。 〃Want to kick the tires; sir?〃
〃No; Ill trust you。〃
〃Ladders this way; sir。〃
Norman climbed the narrow rungs to the top of the sub; and saw the small circular hatch opening。 He hesitated。
〃Sit on the edge here;〃 the pilot said; 〃and drop your legs in; then follow it down。 You may have to squeeze your shoulders together a bit and suck in your 。。。 Thats it; sir。〃 Norman wriggled through the tight hatch into an interior so low he could not stand。 The sub was crammed with dials and machinery。 Ted was already aboard; hunched in the back; grinning like a kid。 〃Isnt this fantastic?〃
Norman envied his easy enthusiasm; he felt cramped and a little nervous。 Above him; the pilot clanged the heavy hatch ''48'' shut and dropped down to take the controls。 〃Everybody okay?〃
They nodded。
〃Sorry about the view;〃 the pilot said; glancing over his shoulders。 〃You gentlemen are mostly going to be seeing my hindquarters。 Lets get started。 Mozart okay?〃 He pressed a tape deck and smiled。 〃Weve got thirteen minutes descent to the bottom; music makes it a little easier。 If you dont like Mozart; we can offer you something else。〃
〃Mozarts fine;〃 Norman said。
〃Mozarts wonderful;〃 Ted said。 〃Sublime。〃
〃Very good; gentlemen。〃 The submarine hissed。 There was squawking on the radio。 The pilot spoke softly into a headset。 A scuba diver appeared at the porthole; waved。 The pilot waved back。
There was a sloshing sound; then a deep rumble; and they started down。
〃As you see; the whole sled goes under;〃 the pilot explained。 〃The subs not stable on the surface; so we sled her up and down。 Well leave the sled at about a hundred feet or so。
Through the porthole; they saw the diver standing on the deck; the water now waist…deep。 Then the water covered the porthole。 Bubbles came out of the divers scuba。
〃Were under;〃 the pilot said。 He adjusted valves above his head and they heard the hiss of air; startlingly loud。 More gurgling。 The light in the submarine from the porthole was a beautiful blue。
〃Lovely;〃 Ted said。
〃Well leave the sled now;〃 the pilot said。 Motors rumbled and the sub moved forward; the diver slipping off to one side。 Now there was nothing to be seen through the porthole but undifferentiated blue water。 The pilot said something on the radio; and turned up the Mozart。
〃Just sit back; gentlemen;〃 he said。 〃Descending eighty feet a minute。〃
Norman felt the rumble of the electric motors; but there was no real sense of motion。 All that happened was that it got darker and darker。
''49'' 〃You know;〃 Ted said; 〃were really quite lucky about this site。 Most parts of the Pacific are so deep wed never be able to visit it in person。〃 He explained that the vast Pacific Ocean; which amounted to half the total surface area of the Earth; had an average depth of two miles。 〃There are only a few places where it is less。 One is the relatively small rectangle bounded by Samoa; New Zealand; Australia; and New Guinea; which is actually a great undersea plain; like the plains of the American West; except its at an average depth of two thousand feet。 Thats what we are doing now; descending to that plain。〃
Ted spoke rapidly。 Was he nervous? Norman couldnt tell: he was feeling his own heart pound。 Now it was quite dark outside; the instruments glowed green。 The pilot flicked on red interior lights。
Their descent continued。 〃Four hundred feet。〃 The submarine lurched; then eased forward。 〃This is the river。〃
〃What river?〃 Norman said。
〃Sir; we are in a current of different salinity and temperature; it behaves like a river inside the ocean。 We traditionally stop about here; sir; the sub sticks in the river; takes us for a little ride。〃
〃Oh yes;〃 Ted said; reaching into his pocket。 Ted handed the pilot a ten…dollar bill。
Norman glanced questioningly at Ted。
〃Didnt they mention that to you? Old tradition。 You always pay the pilot on your way down; for good luck。〃
〃I can use some luck;〃 Norman said。 He fumbled in his pocket; found a five…dollar bill; thought better of it; took out a twenty instead。
〃Thank you; gentlemen; and have a good bottom stay; both of you;〃 the pilot said。
The electric motors cut back in。
中国远征军史 被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平! 出嫁不从夫1.2 誓不为妃 韩流逆时代 谁是谁的灰太狼 浪漫的倾心 月落参横 萌侠之金兰结义(上) 放个恋爱假 豪门第一长媳 修真修到了满级大佬家 赌坊恩仇 大漠敦煌 新汉艳史 罪之花 绝尘山庄 异世之邪龙游香海 当时明月在 风月债
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...