


For undergraduate; we usually get them to write something that is sound; well…quoted in literature and the question is reasonable; that a scholar would ask。 Generally speaking; undergraduates don’t know how to do these things for their long essays in senior year。

C:What does a foreign student need to know about doing research in the United States?

D:Sometimes there is a particular difficulty for some cultures。 People from those cultures are accustomed to rote learning(死记硬背的学习)。 I see it’s very mon that they always memorize things and spell them out again。 They have to be broken of that because American learning is not a rote learning; maybe it should be for the earlier grades; like elementary and high schools with language and math。 But by the time they are 18 or 20; there should not be too much rote learning; but for some cultures; that’s difficult and it’s a shock for them。

Also; you have to know how to use resources in the ; how to use library and how to use professors。 The latter one is important and you have to know some munication skills to get help and instructions from professors。书包 网 。 想看书来

中国学生: 走出自己的圈子(2)

C:I think the relations between professors and students in the States are different from that in China。

D:How is that?

C:When I’m talking to you; I somehow feel like talking to a friend; more casually and frankly。 When I was in China; I always felt a gap confronting a professor。

D:I’m not unique in the ; most professors in this country are like this。

C:I also feel that Chinese professors are busy with their research and don’t have too much time to talk to their students。

D:That’s very mon in the America too; but at Yale; there are not too many students so the professors can have more time with individuals。 I don’t have more than 4 students each year as their chief advisor。 Also; it’s a norm and expectation for a professor to spend more time on teaching。 They would have some problems if they are bad teachers。 Students have the newspapers and the school also has evaluations。 At Yale; students go to the puters to do the evaluation; I can see the ments and evaluation but other professors can’t。 These evaluations are informal; but if you don’t do well; the word will get around。

C:What steps should a student take to prepare for graduation studies?

D:Good English is ’s not new。 They don’t know what getting ’t have a 3 year cap like Law School。 It takes you five or six years to learn how to write a dissertation and that’s not the end of a rainbow。 You won’t be paid like a lawyer or a doctor。 I see many students came across this difficulty in the third or fourth year that they don’t want to continue but I don’t see many Chinese students quit and they seem to know what they are doing and be more embedded in this life。

C: If you were meeting with a group of students from China; what advice would you give them to help them be successful at Yale?

D:They should be enterprising。 Go out to use the system; to meet people and to try out classes。 Use Yale as a base and as well as a resource to go to different places to be exposed to a different culture。 There are many Chinese students studying in the States and they should try to go outside of them; not only hang out with their own people。

C: What has your experience been with Chinese students?

D:My experience with Chinese students for the last fifteen years is that they were smart and good at mathematics and were well…prepared; but before that; students who came here twenty…five years ago were not very good。 I think maybe the selections were somehow wrong in that time but now it is getting better and better。

C:What criteria does Yale use to select foreign graduate students? How; if at all; does the selection criterion vary for foreign students versus  students?

D:I used to be in the mittee。 Generally speaking; we have the same criteria for American students and Chinese students。 We mix their applications together。 They are in the same pool; but the documentations from them are different。 We know how to read the applications from American students。 We know how to read the letters; the professors who did them and the grade systems in high schools。 For European students; we know accordingly。 From China; it’s DIFFICULT。 We have some professors who know how to read applications from China; but not many。 Language potential is also a big concern when we think about a Chinese student; we don’t just refer to scores。 When I was in the mittee we had problems in accessing Chinese students’oral language skills but now we have interviews。

中国学生: 走出自己的圈子(3)

C:What characteristics of American students impress you the most?


C:What’s the advantage of American education? In China; school educations are more knowledge…based than that in the States; do you think it’s good or bad?

D:I think it’s good for primary schools and high schools。 These levels of education in the States have problems with helping students to gain more knowledge。 Many students are bad at math; history; and grammar。 Many parents get their children out of the public schools and send them to private schools to get a better education。 I did see some undergraduates at Yale don’t know too much about history; even American history。 But at colleges; knowledge is not enough; you need to pay more attention to questions; how to ask a question and how to find a solution to the question。

大卫教授今年70多岁, 白眉银发, 有点仙风道骨的味道。 他常挎着背包匆忙地走在校园里。 一身朴素毫不起眼, 但停下来跟你说话的时候, 眼神里的睿智和慈爱透着大教授的风范。 他告诉我一件轶事, 有一年他被邀请去白宫和总统共进晚餐, 临行前发现自己没有一套像样的西装, 于是决定第二天早晨乘火车购买。 可是早晨出门才发现商店都没开门(他居然不知道通常商店几点开门), 只好匆匆地上了火车赶往华盛顿。 到达以后叫出租车直奔商店, 换上新买的西装准备去白宫赴宴, 可在路上一低头发现自己的鞋子是一双穿了十几年的老皮鞋, 旧得都快变形了。 只能掉头回去买鞋, 一身行头置办好了, 终于在最后一刻赶到白宫。 这样一位耶鲁最高荣誉的终身教授, 亲近、 平和得没有一点架子。 他愉快地接受了我的采访, 希望通过这本书可以和中国的学生交流他对学术研究以及在耶鲁学习、 教学的体会。

The problem of social science research in the ; too narrow to be interesting。 There is a large range of interesting questions to explore。

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