impossible not to get kicked out。”
Blair pressed her lips together; measuring her words carefully。 “I
don’t mean that; I mean why you got kicked out。” There。 She had
done it。 She had mitted herself now。 She was going to have to
sit and listen to Serena tell her all about the cults she had joined;
and the boys she’d had sex with; and the drugs she had done。 Shit。
Don’t believe for a minute that she wasn’t curious; though。
Blair fiddled with the ruby ring on her finger; turning it round and
round。 Serena raised her glass at Missy; asking for another drink。
“Blair;” Serena said。 “The only reason I got kicked out was because I
didn’t show up at the beginning of school。 I stayed in France。 My
parents didn’t even know。 I was supposed to fly back at the end of
August; but I stayed until the third week in September。 I was living
in this amazing chateau outside of Cannes; and it was like; a
constant party。 I don’t think I slept a whole night the entire time I
was there。 It was like those parties in that house in The Great
“There were these two boys; an older brother and a younger one;
and I was totally in love with both of them。 Actually;” she laughed;
“I was even more in love with their father; but he was married。”
The Star Lounge DJ switched vibes and began to play a funky acid
jazz song with a cool beat。 The lights dimmed and the candles
flickered。 Serena jiggled her foot to the music and glanced at Blair;
whose eyes were glazing over。
Serena lit another cigarette and inhaled deeply。
“Anyway; of course I partied a lot at school; but so did everyone
else。 What the school couldn’t deal with was that I didn’t even
bother to show up at the beginning of the year。 I don’t blame them;
I guess。 But to tell you the truth; I really didn’t care about going
back to school。 I was having way too much fun。”
Blair rolled her eyes again。 She honestly didn’t care what the truth
“Did you ever think about the fact that these are like; the most
important years of our lives? Like; for getting into college and
everything?” she said。
Missy brought Serena’s drink; and this time Serena only nodded her
thanks。 She looked down at the floor; her pinky nail between her
teeth。 “Yeah; I’m just realizing that now;” she admitted。 “I hadn’t
总裁时尚偷心法则 搬空皇宫后,她救了满门忠烈 大秦:开局被始皇听见心声 搞定你的心 平行人生 舞龙舞狮(上) 我拥有了时空回溯 四合院:虐惨秦淮茹,决不被吸血 僵尸:在九叔世界除魔卫道 全民求生:别种了,物资装不下了 百鬼独行 月缺光不改 神国:我的眷属全是女神 校园全能高手 狡猾娘娘腔(下) 王妃会发疯,摄政王疯狂心动 不怕校花多高冷,就怕学长撩妹稳 官场:从卫生院走向权力巅峰 三世之路我为尊 精兵强将系统,百万虎贲镇大宋
一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力? 颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹 ...
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...