


second chance。 I?m volunteering my services as your alumnus interviewer; and the admissions

office has already agreed to use my write…up when they review your application; instead of the

interview you did back in November。?

Blair was dumbstruck。 A second chance?it was almost too good to be true。 Tired of waiting;

Gianni dropped his scissors on the wheeled cart next to Blair?s chair; snatched the latest issue

ofVogue out of Blair?s lap; and minced away to plain about her to his colleagues。

?So when are you available?? Owen Wells persisted。

Now; Blair wanted to say。 But she couldn?t very well ask Owen to sit and watch Gianni cut her

hair while he asked her all those boring stereotypical interview questions like; Who are the most

influential people in your life?

?Anytime;? she chirped。 Then she realized she shouldn?t soundtoo desperate; not when she was

supposed to be a total whiz kid with an insane schedule。 ?Actually; today is kind of busy for me

and tomorrow might be a little crazy; too。 Wednesday or Thursday after school would be better。?

?I tend to work pretty late; and I?ve got meetings up the wazoo this week; but how about

Thursday night? Around eight…thirty??

?Fine;? Blair responded eagerly。 ?Do you want me to e to your office??

Owen paused。 Blair could hear his office chair creak and she imagined him surveying his

Philippe Starck?designed Tribeca office with its view of New York Harbor; wondering if it was an

appropriate place to meet。 She imagined him tall and blond; with a tennis tan; like her father。 But

Owen Wells would be at least ten years younger than her dad; and so much better looking。 She

wondered if he knew how cool it was that there was aw in each of his names。 ?Why don?t we

meet at the pton Hotel? They?ve got a nice little bar that should be pretty quiet。? He

laughed。 ?I can buy you a Coke; although your father tells me you prefer Dom Perignon。?

Blair?s face burned。 Her stupid…ass father?what else had he said? ?Oh; no; Coke is fine;? she


?Good。 I?ll see you Thursday night。 I?ll be wearing my Yale tie。?

?I?m looking forward to it。? Blair tried to maintain a businesslike tone despite her vivid

Owen…at…the…office fantasy。 ?Thank you so much for calling。? She clicked off the phone and

looked directly into the gilt mirror in front of her。 Her blue eyes already seemed larger and more

intense now that she had less hair。

If she were really an actress starring in the movie of her life?which was what she always liked to

imagine?thiswould be the turning point: the day she transformed her look and began rehearsing for

the biggest role of her career。 She glanced at her watch。 There was only half an hour left before

she was due back at Constance for gym。 There was no reason to rush back; though; especially not

when Bendel?s was only three blocks away and a new dress for meeting Owen Wells on Thursday

乐土之王  开局成杀神,陛下为何造反?  阿修罗进化  我当出马仙的这些年  赢在过去  水浅王八多,咱妈带咱哥  风流乞丐俏天子  我在平行世界修真成圣  我在末世集卡冲仙途  酒儿娘子  我真不是十世善人  小吴的孤独日记  火影,旗木家的魅魔幼子  成婚当晚,我被病娇反派强取豪夺  一人之下:开局八岁横扫龙虎山!  重生之从跑男落水开始  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  四合院:背靠易中海,摆烂乐无边  春风化雨时  末世入侵:我的战斗女仆团  



一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力?  颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹  ...















