


Jenny looked up and decided to erase the last line and replace it with something else。 Ms。 Crumb

might get offended; since she obviously had some kind of ear…cleaning fetish。

But instead of writing something else to replace the ear…cleaning line; Jenny?s mind wandered

back to her e…mail。 She?d been checking it regularly; just like Blair had told her to; however; the

only messages she?d gotten had been jokey ones from Elise and her brother; telling her to stop

checking her e…mail and get back to her homework。 She glanced at Elise; who was scribbling away;

already on her second page。 Jenny wished she had Dan?s knack for the written word。 She was

better at detailed drawings and painting and calligraphy。

At the top of the page she drew an elaborate drawing of Elise?s ear and the side of her face;

hoping she?d score points for being artistic; even if her essay sucked。 Her mind wandered again;

to the blond boy she?d spotted in Bendel?s。 Was he artistic; too?

The bell rang to mark the end of last period and Ms。 Crumb stood up and brushed chalk dust

from her dark gray wool pinafore dress that looked like it had been made by nuns somewhere cold

and fashionless; like Greenland。

?Time?s up; ladies。 Pencils down。 You can hand in your papers as you leave。? She tucked her

maroon…stockinged feet into a pair of black felt L。L。 Bean clogs。 ?Happy Thursday afternoon!?

?So what?d you write about?? Jenny asked Elise after they had packed up their book bags and

were on their way out the school doors。

?None of your business;? Elise answered; blushing。

?Don?t think I?m never going to find out。 You?ll probably have to read it out loud on Monday;?

Jenny reminded her。 ?I wrote about your ears; but it kind of sucked。?

The two girls bowed their heads against the fierce February wind and headed over to Lexington

to take the bus down to Bloomingdale?s on East Fifty…ninth Street。 Elise had enlisted Jenny to

help her to find the perfect pair of jeans for less than eighty dollars; and; as usual; Jenny needed

some new bras; since she was always wearing out the elastic or breaking the underwires in the

ones she had。

Bloomingdale?s was a tacky war zone of tourists sporting the new tracksuits and sneakers they?d

just bought at Nike Town; along with gaggles of blue…haired bargain hunters; but it was the only

place to go for oversized bras and moderately priced jeans other than Macy?s; which was simply


Those with better taste and bigger credit limits went to Bergdorf?s; Bendel?s; or Barneys; but for

people like Jenny and Elise; Bloomingdale?s would just have to do。

?I can?t believe you can just put those on and they?re the perfect length;? Jenny said enviously as

she watched Elise try on her first pair of Paris Blues jeans in the dressing room。 Jenny was barely

我在平行世界修真成圣  重生之从跑男落水开始  赢在过去  成婚当晚,我被病娇反派强取豪夺  水浅王八多,咱妈带咱哥  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  阿修罗进化  四合院:背靠易中海,摆烂乐无边  小吴的孤独日记  火影,旗木家的魅魔幼子  我当出马仙的这些年  酒儿娘子  风流乞丐俏天子  我真不是十世善人  末世入侵:我的战斗女仆团  春风化雨时  一人之下:开局八岁横扫龙虎山!  我在末世集卡冲仙途  乐土之王  开局成杀神,陛下为何造反?  



一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力?  颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹  ...















