ndle; took down “Marmion;” and beginning—
“Day set on Norham’s castled steep;
And Tweed’s fair river broad and deep;
And Cheviot’s mountains lone;
The massive towers; the donjon keep;
The flanking walls that round them sweep;
In yellow lustre shone”—
I soon forgot storm in music。
I heard a noise: the wind; I thought; shook the door。 No; it was St。 John Rivers; who; lifting the latch; came in out of the frozen hurricane—the howling darkness—and stood before me: the cloak that covered his tall figure all white as a glacier。 I was almost in consternation; so little had I expected any guest from the blocked…up vale that night。
“Any ill news?” I demanded。 “Has anything happened?”
“No。 How very easily alarmed you are?” he answered; removing his cloak and hanging it up against the door; towards which he again coolly pushed the mat which his entrance had deranged。 He stamped the snow from his boots。
“I shall sully the purity of your floor;” said he; “but you must excuse me for once。” Then he approached the fire。 “I have had hard work to get here; I assure you;” he observed; as he warmed his hands over the flame。 “One drift took me up to the waist; happily the snow is quite soft yet。”
“But why are you e?” I could not forbear saying。
“Rather an inhospitable question to put to a visitor; but since you ask it; I answer simply to have a little talk with you; I got tired of my mute books and empty rooms。 Besides; since yesterday I have experienced the excitement of a person to whom a tale has been half… told; and who is impatient to hear the sequel。”
He sat down。 I recalled his singular conduct of yesterday; and really I began to fear his wits were touched。 If he were insane; however; his was a very cool and collected insanity: I had never seen that handsome…featured face of his look more like chiselled marble than it did just now; as he put aside his snow…wet hair from his forehead and let the firelight shine free on his pale brow and cheek as pale; where it grieved me to discover the hollow trace of care or sorrow now so plainly graved。 I waited; expecting he would say something I could at least prehend; but his hand was now at his chin; his finger on his lip: he was thinking。 It struck me that his hand looked wasted like his face。 A perhaps uncalled…for gush of pity came over my heart: I was moved to say—
“I wish Diana or Mary would e and live with you: it is too bad that you should be quite alone; and you are recklessly rash about your own health。”
“Not at all;” said he: “I care for myself when necessary。 I am well now。 What do you see amiss in me?”
This was said with a careless; abstracted indifference; which showed that my solicitude was; at least in his opinion; wholly superfluous。 I was silenced。
He still slowly moved his finger over his upper lip; and still his eye dwelt dreamily on the glowing grate; thinking it urgent to say something; I asked him presently if he felt any cold draught from the door; which was behind him。
“No; no!” he responded shortly and somewhat testily。
“Well;” I reflected; “if you won’t talk; you may be still; I’ll let you alone now; and return to my book。”
So I snuffed the candle and resumed the perusal of “Marmion。” He soon stirred; my eye was instantly drawn to his movements; he only took out a morocco pocket…book; thence produced a letter; which he read in silence; folded it; put it back; relapsed into meditation。 It was vain to try to read with such an inscrutable fixture before me; nor could I; in impatience; consent to be dumb; he might rebuff me if my he liked; but talk I would。
“Have you heard from Diana and Mary lately?”
“Not since the letter I showed you a week ago。”
“There has not been any change made about your own arrangements? You will not be summoned to leave England sooner than you expected?”
“I fear not; indeed: such chance is too good to befall me。” Baffled so far; I changed my ground。 I bethought myself to talk about the school and my scholars。
“Mary Garrett’s mother is better; and Mary came back to the school this morning; and I shall have four new girls next week from the Foundry Close—they would have e to…day but for the snow。”
“Mr。 Oliver pays for two。”
“Does he?”
“He means to give the whole school a treat at Christmas。”
“I know。”
“Was it your suggestion?”
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