and said; “Oh; right。”
I positively crumbled onto the floor。 And in a flash the voices were gone。 Darla checked
around the corner; then sat beside me; saying; “Oh; Jules;
Im so; so sorry。 I thought he was about to confess that hes been crushing on you。”
……… Page 63………
“What? Darla; Bryce does not have a crush on me。”
“Where have you been? Havent you noticed the way hes been looking at you? That boy is
lost in Loveland。”
“Oh; obviously! You just heard him; Darla!”
“Yeah; but yesterday; yesterday I caught him staring at you and he said there was a bee in
your hair。 A bee; girl。 Is that the lamest cover…up youve
ever heard or what?”
“Darla; the way things have been going; I wouldnt be surprised if there was a bee in my
“Oh; you think youre that sweet; huh? Just attract bees like honey? Well; honey; the only
bee youre attracting around here is B…r…y…c…e。 Cute;
yeah。 But after what I just heard; Id stomp and grind; girl。 Stomp and grind。” She got up to go
but turned and said; “Dont worry。 I wont jabber。”
I just shook my head and forgot about Darla。 How wrong could a person be。
It was what Bryce and Garrett had said that I couldnt forget。 How could they be so cruel?
And so stupid? Is this what my father had gone through
growing up?
The more I thought about it; the angrier I got。 What right did Bryce have to make fun of my
uncle? How dare he!
I felt fire burn in my cheeks and a cold; hard knot tighten in my heart。 And in a flash I knew—I
was through with Bryce Loski。 He could keep his
brilliant blue eyes。 He could keep his two…faced smile and… and my kiss。 Thats right! He
could keep that; too。 I was never; ever going to talk to him
I stormed back to the section of books on Susan B。 Anthony; found two that would work; and
then went back to my table。 But as I was collecting
my things to check out of the library; I remembered。 The next day we were going to the
Loskis house for dinner。
I zipped up my backpack and threw it on my shoulder。 Surely after what had happened; I had
the right to vote against going!
画弄吟 无心的尸体 (综同人)[综]打击罪犯的一百种方法 中国大妞闯纽约(gl) 我饿起来连自己都吃 作者:夜半赏菊 爱管闲事的名侦探 (火影同人)火影 据说她是宇智波 (足坛同人)波西米亚神想曲 作者:掐掐小肉馅儿 俘虏撩汉日常 作者:九玄 龙凤呈祥事务所 三号疗养院 老祖现代的快乐生活 (新女驸马同人)新女驸马之逍遥劫 重生之完美强运-重生之完美强孕 (韩娱同人)[韩娱]非好感搭档 霸主的男奴 [西幻]是修真不是长歌 (芈月传同人)帝国的女人--丹砂女王 出柜 (韩娱同人)(韩娱)乐途人
一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力? 颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹 ...