something besides passing the salt。 And does he want to get to know me? No! He wants to
know about Juli!
I couldnt just stand up and leave; even though thats what I felt like doing。 Somehow I knew
if I left like that; hed quit talking to me at all。 Even
about salt。 So I sat there feeling sort of tortured。 Was he mad at me? How could he be mad
at me? I hadnt done anything wrong!
When I looked up; he was sitting there holding out the newspaper to me。 “Read this;” he said。
“Without prejudice。”
I took it; and when he went back to looking out the window; I knew — Id been dismissed。
By the time I got down to my room; I was mad。 I slammed my bedroom door and flopped
down on the bed; and after fuming about my sorry
excuse for a grandfather for a while; I shoved the newspaper in the bottom drawer of my
desk。 Like I needed to know any more about Juli Baker。
At dinner my mother asked me why I was so sulky; and she kept looking from me to my
grandfather。 Granddad didnt seem to need any salt;
which was a good thing because I might have thrown the shaker at him。
My sister and dad were all business as usual; though。 Lyta ate about two raisins out of
her carrot salad; then peeled the skin and meat off her
chicken wing and nibbled gristle off the bone; while my father filled up airspace talking about
office politics and the need for a shakedown in upper
No one was listening to him — no one ever does when he gets on one of his if…I…ran…the…
circus jags — but for once Mom wasnt even pretending。
And for once she wasnt trying to convince Lyta that dinner was delicious either。 She just
kept eyeing me and Granddad; trying to pick up on why
we were miffed at each other。
Not that he had anything to be miffed at me about。 What had I done to him; anyway? Nothing。
Nada。 But he was; I could tell。 And I pletely
avoided looking at him until about halfway through dinner; when I sneaked a peek。
He was studying me; all right。 And even though it wasnt a mean stare; or a hard stare; it was;
you know; firm。 Steady。 And it weirded me out。
What was his deal?
I didnt look at him again。 Or at my mother。 I just went back to eating and pretended to listen
to my dad。 And the first chance I got; I excused myself
and holed up in my room。
I was planning to call my friend Garrett like I usually do when Im bent about something。 I
even punched in his number; but I dont know。 I just hung
up。And later when my mom came in; I faked like I was sleeping。 I havent done that in years。
The whole night was weird like that。 I just wanted to be
left alone。
无心的尸体 俘虏撩汉日常 作者:九玄 画弄吟 (足坛同人)波西米亚神想曲 作者:掐掐小肉馅儿 霸主的男奴 重生之完美强运-重生之完美强孕 (综同人)[综]打击罪犯的一百种方法 (韩娱同人)[韩娱]非好感搭档 老祖现代的快乐生活 (韩娱同人)(韩娱)乐途人 出柜 爱管闲事的名侦探 中国大妞闯纽约(gl) 龙凤呈祥事务所 (火影同人)火影 据说她是宇智波 (芈月传同人)帝国的女人--丹砂女王 我饿起来连自己都吃 作者:夜半赏菊 (新女驸马同人)新女驸马之逍遥劫 三号疗养院 [西幻]是修真不是长歌
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...