


Her threat reached its mark。 He didnt move a muscle。

Silence hung heavy in the air。 Even the rain had eased to a gentle

patter on the roof。 The storm was ending。 But what was she to do now? As

the gravity of her predicament settled in; a fit of trembling shook her

with such force that the poker waved precariously。

Appearing to sense her terror; the man rose slowly; palms open and out

from his sides。 〃Take it easy。 I wont hurt you。〃

〃You already have。〃 She raised the poker higher。

〃Put that thing down;〃 he ordered; but gently; all anger gone now。

〃Youre apt to hurt yourself〃

She shook her head and held the poker at the ready。

〃Look。〃 He sighed; running his fingers through the damp hair that had

fallen across his forehead。 〃Let me turn on a light。 At least then I can

see what manner of woman has the upper hand on me。〃

She eased up on her stance。 Light would help her; too。

He crossed to the nearest lamp and turned it on。 It bathed the room a

warm yellow。 〃Thats better;〃 he said and turned to face her。

Anne took a good look at her would…be assailant。 He was tall and rugged;

thinner than she had first suspected; though the breadth of his chest

and shoulders spoke of strength。 His sweater was black; his jeans faded;

though darkened by rain at the hem; where they fell over sodden brown

leather boots。

She had expected a dark and glowering face。 What she saw were features

that were strong but kind; skin that was clear and only faintly tanned;

hair that was thick and blond; turning silver; in damp waves。

There was an underlying gentleness。 But his lips were stern; his cheeks

lean; his jaw set。 And eyes that were silvery hazel stare  (I at her

without a blink。

〃If youve finished;〃 he said with a mocking twitch of his lips; 〃would

you please put down that poker? You can see Im not a thug;〃 She lifted

the weapon higher。 〃How about a rapist?〃 She wasnt being deceived by a

sweet…talking; good…looking man。

A muscle flexed in his jaw。 〃Im no rapist。 I wouldnt have forced you

into anything。 Especially once I saw that wedding band。 I dont fool

around with married women。〃

Tears threatened again。 How bittersweet that the symbol of a marriage

that had ended should save her from the unspeakable。 So she had Jeff to

thank still。

〃Who are you?〃 she asked in a quavering voice。

〃You really dont know? e on; youre holding all the cards。 You can

曹文轩精选集  美少女幽灵的恋爱效应  哲学史-philosophy of history(英文版)  修道院纪事  朱自清散文全编  风华是一指流砂:张爱玲文传  性趣探秘:人类性的进化  开悟之门(又名:六爻玄机:八卦推断详解)  新娘恋曲02前往白银都市的公主  暗店街  南极绝恋  失婚女人的纠缠情事:新离婚主义  利维坦的恋人  超越时间之影  今古奇观  人道  发生认识论原理  李嘉诚家族传  收藏阳光的香味  洋葱头历险记  



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...















