


rder。 Of course; St。 John Rivers’ name came in frequently in the progress of my tale。 When I had done; that name was immediately taken up。

“This St。 John; then; is your cousin?”


“You have spoken of him often: do you like him?”

“He was a very good man; sir; I could not help liking him。”

“A good man。 Does that mean a respectable well…conducted man of fifty? Or what does it mean?”

“St John was only twenty…nine; sir。”

“‘Jeune encore;’ as the French say。 Is he a person of low stature; phlegmatic; and plain。 A person whose goodness consists rather in his guiltlessness of vice; than in his prowess in virtue。”

“He is untiringly active。 Great and exalted deeds are what he lives to perform。”

“But his brain? That is probably rather soft? He means well: but you shrug your shoulders to hear him talk?”

“He talks little; sir: what he does say is ever to the point。 His brain is first…rate; I should think not impressible; but vigorous。”

“Is he an able man; then?”

“Truly able。”

“A thoroughly educated man?”

“St。 John is an acplished and profound scholar。”

“His manners; I think; you said are not to your taste?—priggish and parsonic?”

“I never mentioned his manners; but; unless I had a very bad taste; they must suit it; they are polished; calm; and gentlemanlike。”

“His appearance;—I forget what description you gave of his appearance;—a sort of raw curate; half strangled with his white neckcloth; and stilted up on his thick…soled high…lows; eh?”

“St。 John dresses well。 He is a handsome man: tall; fair; with blue eyes; and a Grecian profile。”

(Aside。) “Damn him!”—(To me。) “Did you like him; Jane?”

“Yes; Mr。 Rochester; I liked him: but you asked me that before。”

I perceived; of course; the drift of my interlocutor。 Jealousy had got hold of him: she stung him; but the sting was salutary: it gave him respite from the gnawing fang of melancholy。 I would not; therefore; immediately charm the snake。

“Perhaps you would rather not sit any longer on my knee; Miss Eyre?” was the next somewhat unexpected observation。

“Why not; Mr。 Rochester?”

“The picture you have just drawn is suggestive of a rather too overwhelming contrast。 Your words have delineated very prettily a graceful Apollo: he is present to your imagination;—tall; fair; blue…eyed; and with a Grecian profile。 Your eyes dwell on a Vulcan;—a real blacksmith; brown; broad…shouldered: and blind and lame into the bargain。”

“I never thought of it; before; but you certainly are rather like Vulcan; sir。”

“Well; you can leave me; ma’am: but before you go” (and he retained me by a firmer grasp than ever); “you will be pleased just to answer me a question or two。” He paused。

“r。 Rochester?”

Then followed this cross…examination。

“St。 John made you schoolmistress of Morton before he knew you were his cousin?”


“You would often see him? He would visit the school sometimes?”


行者  胖女孩,有人爱  全景玛雅  蓝色特快上的秘密-蓝色列车之谜-蓝色列车(英文版)  丁玲短篇集  孽卵  火影之伪暗  寄生女友佐奈  田汉代表作(中国现代文学百家系列)  魏晋南北朝史讲演录  乖乖女变身黑道公主  母亲怀了我的孩子  村头那棵樟树  白客  哈克贝利·费恩历险记  女大学生蜕变记  西湖梦寻  银之十字架与吸血姬  女神收藏家  动漫之梦游三国  


















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