


But there is one distinction that I would like to point out。 Ive noticed that my friends with money talk about money。 And I do not mean brag。 Theyre interested in the subject。  So I learn from them; and they learn from me。 My friends; whom I know are in dire straits financially; do not like talking about money; business or investing。 They often think it rude or unintellectual。 So I also learn from my friends who struggle financially。 I find out what not to do。

I have several friends who have generated over a billion dollars in their short lifetimes。 The three of them report the same phenomenon: Their friends who have no money have never e to them to ask them how they did it。 But they do e asking for one of two things; or both: 1。 a loan; or 2。 a job。

A WARNING: Dont listen to poor or frightened people。 I have such friends; and I love them dearly; but they are the 〃Chicken Littles〃 of life。  When it es to money; especially investments; 〃The sky is always falling。〃 They can always tell you why something wont work。 The problem is; people listen to them; but people who blindly accept doom…and…gloom information are also 〃Chicken Littles。〃 As that old saying goes; 〃Chickens of a feather agree together。〃

If you watch CNBC; which is a goldmine of investment information; they often have a panel of so…called 〃experts。〃 One expert will say the market is going to crash; and the other will say its going to boom。 If youre smart; you listen to both。 Keep your mind open because both have valid points。 Unfortunately; most poor people listen to 〃Chicken Little。〃

I have had more close friends try to talk me out of a deal or an investment。 A few years ago; a friend told me he was excited because he found a 6 percent certificate of deposit。 I told him I earn 16 percent from the state government。 The next day he sent me an article about why my investment was dangerous。 I have received 16 percent for years now; and he still receives 6 percent。

I would say that one of the hardest things about wealth building is to be true to yourself and be willing to not go along with the crowd。 For in the market; it is usually the crowd that shows up late and is slaughtered。 If a great deal is on the front page; its too late in most instances。  Look for a new deal。 As we used to say as surfers: 〃There is always another wave。〃 People who hurry and catch a wave late usually are the ones who wipe out。

Smart investors dont time markets。 If they miss a wave; they search

for the next one and get themselves in position。 Why this is hard for most investors is because buying what is not popular is frightening to them。 Timid investors are like sheep going along with the crowd。 Or their greed gets them in when wise investors have already taken their profits and moved on。 Wise investors buy an investment when its not popular。 They know their profits are made when they buy; not when they sell。 They wait patiently。 As I said; they do not time the market。 Just like a surfer; they get in position for the next big swell。

Its all 〃insider trading。〃 There are forms of insider trading that are illegal; and there are forms of insider trading that are legal。 But either way; its insider trading。 The only distinction is how far away from the inside are you? The reason you want to have rich friends who are close to the inside is because that is where the money is made。 Its made on information。 You want to hear about the next boom; get in and get out before the next bust。 Im not saying do it illegally; but the sooner you know; the better your chances are for profits with minimal risk。 That is what friends are for。 And that is financial intelligence。

4。 MASTER A FORMULA AND THEN LEARN A NEW ONE: The power of learning quickly。 In order to make bread; every baker follows a recipe; even if its only held in their head。 The same is true for making money。 Thats why money is often called 〃dough。〃

Most of us have heard the saying 〃You are what you eat。〃 I have a different slant on the same saying。 I say; 〃You bee what you study。〃 In other words; be careful what you study and learn; because your mind is so powerful that you bee what you put in your head。 For example; if you study cooking; you then tend to cook。 You bee a cook。 If you dont want to be a cook anymore; then you need to study something else。  Lets say; a schoolteacher。 After studying teaching; you often bee a teacher。 And so on。 Choose what you study carefully。

When it es to money; the masses generally have one basic formula they learned in school。 And that is; work for money。 The formula I see that is predominant in the world is that every day millions of people get up and go to work; earn money; pay bills; balance checkbooks; buy some mutual funds and go back to work。 That is the basic formula; or recipe。

If youre tired of what youre doing; or youre not making enough; its simply a case of changing the formula via which you make money。

Years ago; when I was 26;1 took a weekend class called 〃How to Buy Real Estate Foreclosures。〃 I learned a formula。 The next trick was to have the discipline to actually put into action what I had learned。 That is where most people stop。 For three years; while working for Xerox; I spent my spare time learning to master the art of buying foreclosures。 Ive made several million dollars using that formula; but today; its too slow and too many other people are doing it。

So after I mastered that formula; I went in search of other formulas。 For many of the classes; I did not use the information I learned directly; i| but I always learned something new。

I have attended classes designed for only derivative traders; also a class for modity option traders and a class for Chaologists。 I was way out of my league; being in a room full of people with doctorates in nuclear physics and space science。 Yet; I learned a lot that made my stock and real estate investing more meaningful and lucrative。 Most junior colleges and munity colleges have classes on financial planning and buying of traditional investments。 They are great places to start。

So I always search for a faster formula。 That is why; on a fairly regular basis; I make more in a day than many people will make in their lifetime。

Another side note。 In todays fast…changing world; its not so much what you know anymore that counts; because often what you know is old。  It is how fast you learn。 That skill is priceless。  Its priceless in finding faster formulas…recipes; if you will; for making dough。 Working hard for money is an old formula born in the day of cave men。

5。 PAY YOURSELF FIRST: The power of self…discipline。 If you cannot get control of yourself; do not try to get rich。 You might first want to join the Marine Corps or some religious order so you can get control of yourself。 It makes no sense to invest; make money and blow it。 It is the lack of self…discipline that causes most lottery winners to go broke soon after winning millions。  It is the lack of self…discipline that causes people who get a raise to immediately go out and buy a new car or take a cruise。

It is difficult to say which of the ten steps is the most important。  But of all the steps; this step is probably the most difficult to master if it is not already a part of your makeup。 I would venture to say that it is the lack of personal self…discipline that is the No。 1 delineating factor between the rich; the poor and the middle class。

Simply put; people who have low self…esteem and low tolerance for financial pressure can never; and I mean never; be rich。 As I have said; a lesson learned from my rich dad was that 〃the world will push you around。〃 The world pushes people around not because other people are bullies; but because the individual lacks internal control and discipline。 People who lack internal fortitude often bee victims of those who have self…discipline。

In the entrepreneur classes I teach; I constantly remind people to not focus on their product; service or widget; but to focus on developing management skills。 The three most important management skills necessary to start your own business are:

1。Management of cash flow。

2。Management of people。

3。 Management of personal time。

I would say; the skills to manage these three apply to anything; not just entrepreneurs。 The three matter in the way you live your life as an individual; or as part of a family; a business; a charitable organization; a city or a nation。

Each of these skills is enhanced by the mastery of self discipline。 I do not take the saying 〃pay yourself first〃 lightly。

The Richest Man in Babylon; by George Classen; is where the statement 〃pay yourself first〃 es from。 Millions of copies have been sold。  But while millions of people freely repeat that powerful statement; few follow the advice。 As I said; financial literacy allows one to read numbers; and numbers tell the story。  By looking at a persons ine statement and balance sheet; I can readily see if people who spout the words 〃pay yourself first〃 actually practice what they preach。

马云如是说  四年级,决定孩子一生的关键  我一生要练的  闯与创  你是聪明还是笨  国企--背后的故事  贫女翻转职场:底层红颜  孙子兵法说什么--CEO论道  秦始皇  兽欲  浮沉  大投机家  八大策略变身职场达人  玉娇梨  企业永续发展的领导力模型  小时代2.0虚铜时代  直击华尔街风暴2  一生的理财功课  房价博弈  外汇投资精要:赢在汇市  


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...
