


him then? No; no; Aunt Hermione just wouldnt do。

Well; then; I asked; suppose one of us took it? One of us guards? We could keep him right here on E Block。 No; Delacroix said; he thanked me kindly for the thought; certainement; but Mr。 Jingles was a mouse that yearned to be free。 He; Eduard Delacroix; knew this; because Mr。 Jingles had … you guessed it … whispered the information in his ear。

〃All right;〃 I said; 〃one of us will take him home; Del。 Dean; maybe。 Hes got a little boy that would just love a pet mouse; I bet。〃

Delacroix actually turned pale with horror at the thought。 A little kid in charge of a rodent genius like Mr。 Jingles? How in the name of le bon Dieu could a little kid be expected to keep up with his training; let alone teach him new tricks? And suppose the kid lost interest and forgot to feed him for two or three days at a stretch? Delacroix; who had roasted six human beings alive in an effort to cover up his original crime; shuddered with the delicate revulsion of an ardent anti…vivisectionist。

All right; I said; Id take him myself (promise them anything; remember; in their last forty…eight hours; promise them anything)。 How would that be?

〃No; sir; Boss Edgebe;〃 Del said apologetically。 He threw the spool again。 It hit the wall; bounced; spun; then Mr。 Jingles was on it like white on rice and nosing it back to Delacroix。 〃Thank you kindly … merci beaucoup … but you live out in the woods; and Mr。 Jingles; he be scared to live out dans la foret。 I know; because…〃

〃I think I can guess how you know; Del;〃 I said。

Delacroix nodded; smiling。 〃But we gonna figure this out。 You bet!〃 He threw the spool。 Mr。 Jingles clittered after it。 I tried not to wince。

In the end it was Brutal who saved the day。 He had been up by the duty desk; watching Dean and Harry play cribbage。 Percy was there; too; and Brutal finally tired of trying to start a conversation with him and getting nothing but sullen grunts in response。 He strolled down to where I sat on a stool outside of Delacroixs cell and stood there listening to us with his arms folded。

〃How about Mouseville?〃 Brutal asked into the considering silence which followed Dels rejection of my spooky old house out in the woods。 He threw the ment out in a casual just…an…idea tone of voice。

〃Mouseville?〃 Delacroix asked; giving Brutal a look both startled and interested。 〃What Mouseville?〃

〃Its this tourist attraction down in Florida;〃 he said。 〃Tallahassee; I think。 Is that right; Paul? Tallahassee?〃

〃Yep;〃 I said; speaking without a moments hesitation; thinking God bless Brutus Howell。 〃Tallahassee。 Right down the road apiece from the dog university。〃 Brutals mouth twitched at that; and I thought he was going to queer the pitch by laughing; but he got it under control and nodded。 Id hear about the dog university later; though; I imagined。

This time Del didnt throw the spool; although Mr。 Jingles stood on Dels slipper with his front paws raised; clearly lusting for another chance to chase。 The Cajun looked from Brutal to me and back to Brutal again。 〃What dey do in Mouseville?〃 he asked。

〃You think theyd take Mr。 Jingles?〃 Brutal asked me; simultaneously ignoring Del and drawing him on。 〃Think hes got the stuff; Paul?〃

I tried to appear considering。 〃You know;〃 I said; 〃the more I think of it; the more it seems like a brilliant idea。〃 From the er of my eye I saw Percy e partway down the Green Mile (giving Whartons cell a very wide berth)。 He stood with one shoulder leaning against an empty cell; listening with a small; contemptuous smile on his lips。

〃What dis Mouseville?〃 Del asked; now frantic to know。

〃A tourist attraction; like I told you;〃 Brutal said。 〃Theres; oh I dunno; a hundred or so mice there。 Wouldnt you say; Paul?〃

〃More like a hundred and fifty these days;〃 I said。 〃Its a big success。 I understand theyre thinking of opening one out in California and calling it Mouseville West; thats how much business is booming。 Trained mice are the ing thing with the smart set; I guess … I dont understand it; myself。〃

Del sat with the colored spool in his hand; looking at us; his own situation forgotten for the time being。

〃They only take the smartest mice;〃 Brutal cautioned; 〃the ones that can do tricks。 And they cant be white mice; because those are pet…shop mice。〃

〃Pet…shop mice; yeah; you bet!〃 Delacroix said fiercely。 〃I hate dem pet…shop mice!〃

〃And what they got;〃 Brutal said; his eyes distant now as he imagined it; 〃is this tent you go into…〃

远去的国学大师及其时代:狂人刘文典  那个夏天你干了什么  神之守护者(守护者系列之四)  春明外史  菩提道次第广论 法尊法师译  英雄时代  少年检阅官  巧克力师傅的勋章  说唐-说唐演义全传  仮面城(日文版)  有人骗你  my name is red-我的名字叫红  谦卑者的财富  枯枝败叶  经典爱情故事50则  毛泽东与郭沫若 作者:[中]张洁宇  为普鲁斯特哭泣  杀意的定时炸弹北阿尔卑斯涸沢山杀人事件(日文版)  the rainbow-虹(中文版)  听爸爸的话!(家有三软妹)-パパのいうことを聞きなさい!  


















