


he real estate ; under the franchise for free。

So wise investors must look at more than ROI; its the assets you get for free once you get your money back。 That is financial intelligence。      :

8。 ASSETS BUY LUXURIES: The power of focus。 A friends child has been developing a nasty habit of burning a hole in his pocket。 Just 16; he naturally wanted his own car。 The excuse; 〃All his friends parents gave their kids cars。〃 The child wanted to go into|

his savings and use it for a down payment。 That was when his father called me。 〃Do you think I should let him do it; or should I just do as other parents do and just buy him a car?〃

To which I answered。  〃It might relieve the pressure in the short term; but what have you taught him in the long term? Can you use this desire to own a car and inspire your son to learn something?〃 Suddenly the lights went on; and he hurried home。

Two months later I ran into my friend again。  〃Does your son have his new car?〃 I asked。

〃No; he doesnt。 But I went and handed him 3;000 for the car。 I told him to use my money instead of his college money。〃 〃Well; thats generous of you;〃 I said。

〃Not really。 The money came with a hitch。  I took your advice of using his strong desire to buy a car and use that energy so he could learn something。〃

〃So what was the hitch?〃 I asked。

〃Well; first we broke out your game again; CASHFLOW。 We played it and had a long discussion about the wise use of money。  I then gave him a subscription to the Wall Street Journal; and a few books on the stock market。〃

〃Then what?〃 I asked。  〃What was the catch?〃

〃I told him the 3;000 was his; but he could not directly buy a car with it。 He could use it to buy and sell stocks; find his own stockbroker; and once he had made 6;000 with the 3;000; the money would be his for the car; and the 3;000 would go into his college fund。〃

〃And what are the results?〃 I asked。

〃Well; he got lucky early in his trading; but lost all he gained a few days later。 Then; he really got interested。 Today; I would say he is down 2;000; but his interest is up。 He has read all the books I bought him and hes gone to the library to get more。 He reads the Wall Street Journal voraciously; watching for indicators; and he watches CNBC instead of MTV。 Hes got only 1;000 left; but his interest and learning are sky high。 He knows that if he loses that money; he walks for two more years。 But he does not seem to care。 He even seems uninterested in getting a car because hes found a game that is more fun。〃

〃What happens if he loses all the money?〃 I asked。

〃Well cross that bridge when we get to it。 Id rather have him lose everything now rather than wait till hes our age to risk losing everything。 And besides; that is the best 3;000 Ive ever spent on his education。 What he is learning will serve him for life; and he seems to have gained a new respect for the power of money。 I think hes stopped the burning of holes in his pockets。〃

As I said in the section 〃Pay Yourself First;〃 if a person cannot master the power of self…discipline; it is best not to try to get rich。 For while the process of developing cash flow from an asset column in theory is easy; it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard。 Due to external temptations; it is much easier in todays consumer world to simply blow it out the expense column。 Because of weak mental fortitude; that money flows into the paths of least resistance。 That is the cause of poverty and financial struggle。

I gave this numerical example of financial intelligence; in this case the ability to direct money to make more money。

If we gave 100 people 10;000 at the start of the year; I gave my opinion that at the end of the year:

80 would have nothing left。 In fact; many would have created I greater debt by making a down payment on a new car; refrigerator; TV; VCR or a holiday。 16 would have increased that 10;000 by 5 percent to 10 percent。 4 would have increased it to 20;000 or into the millions。

We go to school to learn a profession so we can work for money。 It is my opinion that it is also important to learn how to have money work for you。

I love my luxuries as much as anyone else。 The difference is; some people buy their luxuries on credit。 Its the keep…up…with…the…Joneses trap。 When I wanted to buy a Porsche; the easy road would have been to call my banker and get a loan。 Instead of choosing to focus in the liability column; I chose to focus in the asset column。

As a habit; I used my desire to consume to inspire and motivate my financial genius to invest。

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