wanted to destroy it in him。
This snowy morning; he sat with a dark…bright face beside
her; not aware of her; and somehow; she felt he was conveying to
strange; secret places the love that sprang in him for her。 He
sat with a dark…rapt; half…delighted face; looking at a little
stained window。 She saw the ruby…coloured glass; with the shadow
heaped along the bottom from the snow outside; and the familiar
yellow figure of the lamb holding the banner; a little darkened
now; but in the murky interior strangely luminous; pregnant。
She had always liked the little red and yellow window。 The
lamb; looking very silly and self…conscious; was holding up a
forepaw; in the cleft of which was dangerously perched a little
flag with a red cross。 Very pale yellow; the lamb; with greenish
shadows。 Since she was a child she had liked this creature; with
the same feeling she felt for the little woolly lambs on green
legs that children carried home from the fair every year。 She
had always liked these toys; and she had the same amused;
childish liking for this church lamb。 Yet she had always been
uneasy about it。 She was never sure that this lamb with a flag
did not want to be more than it appeared。 So she half mistrusted
it; there was a mixture of dislike in her attitude to it。
Now; by a curious gathering; knitting of his eyes; the
faintest tension of ecstasy on his face; he gave her the
unfortable feeling that he was in correspondence with the
creature; the lamb in the window。 A cold wonder came over
her……her soul was perplexed。 There he sat; motionless;
timeless; with the faint; bright tension on his face。 What was
he doing? What connection was there between him and the lamb in
the glass?
Suddenly it gleamed to her dominant; this lamb with the flag。
Suddenly she had a powerful mystic experience; the power of the
tradition seized on her; she was transported to another world。
And she hated it; resisted it。
Instantly; it was only a silly lamb in the glass again。 And
dark; violent hatred of her husband swept up in her。 What was he
doing; sitting there gleaming; carried away; soulful?
婚姻交易(重生) 冒充天仙男友,被正主当场抓获 玉阳卷 嫣语枫萧 着了迷 冰山宝贝惹上火 麻烦情人 他is正义邪煞 歌杀无论 重生之完美一生 下 重生空间之农女高中生 主犯(又名铁路刑警)(寻求出版) 钓到美相公 世间武学皆出我 晨昏 辛夷坞 米蓝黑隽 水晶鞋 邂逅亿万大人物 综武写日记,领取万界奖励 巫师视界
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...