with him; to give herself to his black; sensual power; that was
hidden all the daytime。 And the curious rolling of the eyes; as
if she were lapsing in a trance away from her ordinary
consciousness became habitual with her; when something
threatened and opposed her in life; the conscious life。
So they remained as separate in the light; and in the thick
darkness; married。 He supported her daytime authority; kept it
inviolable at last。 And she; in all the darkness; belonged to
him; to his close; insinuating; hypnotic familiarity。
All his daytime activity; all his public life; was a kind of
sleep。 She wanted to be free; to belong to the day。 And he ran
avoiding the day in work。 After tea; he went to the shed to his
carpentry or his woodcarving。 He was restoring the patched;
degraded pulpit to its original form。
But he loved to have the child near him; playing by his feet。
She was a piece of light that really belonged to him; that
played within his darkness。 He left the shed door on the latch。
And when; with his second sense of another presence; he knew she
was ing; he was satisfied; he was at rest。 When he was alone
with her; he did not want to take notice; to talk。 He wanted to
live unthinking; with her presence flickering upon him。
He always went in silence。 The child would push open the shed
door; and see him working by lamplight; his sleeves rolled back。
His clothes hung about him; carelessly; like mere wrapping。
Inside; his body was concentrated with a flexible; charged power
all of its own; isolated。 From when she was a tiny child Ursula
could remember his forearm; with its fine black hairs and its
electric flexibility; working at the bench through swift;
unnoticeable movements; always ambushed in a sort of
She hung a moment in the door of the shed; waiting for him to
notice her。 He turned; his black; curved eyebrows arching
〃Hullo; Twittermiss!〃
冒充天仙男友,被正主当场抓获 水晶鞋 着了迷 婚姻交易(重生) 邂逅亿万大人物 世间武学皆出我 晨昏 辛夷坞 主犯(又名铁路刑警)(寻求出版) 他is正义邪煞 重生之完美一生 下 米蓝黑隽 麻烦情人 巫师视界 钓到美相公 歌杀无论 嫣语枫萧 重生空间之农女高中生 玉阳卷 冰山宝贝惹上火 综武写日记,领取万界奖励
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...