


gossamer blown across her eyes; there was a dread for her。

She was afraid when he came home at night。 As yet; her fear

never spoke; the shadow never rushed upon her。 He was gentle;

humble; he kept himself withheld。 His hands were delicate upon

her; and she loved them。 But there ran through her the thrill;

crisp as pain; for she felt the darkness and other…world still

in his soft; sheathed hands。

But the summer drifted in with the silence of a miracle; she

was almost always alone。 All the while; went on the long; lovely

drowsiness; the maidenblush roses in the garden were all shed;

washed away in a pouring rain; summer drifted into autumn; and

the long; vague; golden days began to close。 Crimson clouds

fumed about the west; and as night came on; all the sky was

fuming and steaming; and the moon; far above the swiftness of

vapours; was white; bleared; the night was uneasy。 Suddenly the

moon would appear at a clear window in the sky; looking down

from far above; like a captive。 And Anna did not sleep。 There

was a strange; dark tension about her husband。

She became aware that he was trying to force his will upon

her; something; there was something he wanted; as he lay there

dark and tense。 And her soul sighed in weariness。

Everything was so vague and lovely; and he wanted to wake her

up to the hard; hostile reality。 She drew back in resistance。

Still he said nothing。 But she felt his power persisting on her;

till she became aware of the strain; she cried out against the

exhaustion。 He was forcing her; he was forcing her。 And she

wanted so much the joy and the vagueness and the innocence of

her pregnancy。 She did not want his bitter…corrosive love; she

did not want it poured into her; to burn her。 Why must she have

it? Why; oh; why was he not content; contained?

She sat many hours by the window; in those days when he drove

her most with the black constraint of his will; and she watched

the rain falling on the yew trees。 She was not sad; only

wistful; blanched。 The child under her heart was a perpetual

warmth。 And she was sure。 The pressure was only upon her from

the outside; her soul had no stripes。

Yet in her heart itself was always this same strain; tense;

anxious。 She was not safe; she was always exposed; she was

always attacked。 There was a yearning in her for a fulness of

peace and blessedness。 What a heavy yearning it was……so

世间武学皆出我  冰山宝贝惹上火  邂逅亿万大人物  主犯(又名铁路刑警)(寻求出版)  晨昏 辛夷坞  综武写日记,领取万界奖励  冒充天仙男友,被正主当场抓获  麻烦情人  钓到美相公  米蓝黑隽  重生空间之农女高中生  重生之完美一生 下  歌杀无论  他is正义邪煞  水晶鞋  婚姻交易(重生)  巫师视界  嫣语枫萧  玉阳卷  着了迷  









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