


Your thoughts and beliefs are the foundation on which you build your success。 You can’t build a solid house on a foundation of clay and debris2; and the same truth holds for your success。

If your thoughts and beliefs are shaky; these internal obstacles will hold you back unless you eliminate them。

Learning to handle obstacles is the best way to stand your ground and succeed。 While running away only undermines your self…esteem。

Nature presents you with these challenges in order to learn to weather3 the storm and grow stronger。

To succeed in overing obstacles; you need to have the gut not to quit; but to see things through; to have the strong faith to believe more in yourself than in the obstacles and to have the willingness to do what it takes to turn the obstacles around。

This means; you need to stand up to your obstacles and believe you can overe them。  When you attack your obstacles and do something about them; you’ll find that they are not as threatening as they appeared to be at first。

Decide that you will not give up and if something has to give up; it will have to be the obstacles and not you。

Standing up to your obstacles imparts4 you with a sense of acplishment and reinforces5 the sense of your inner power。 By developing a habit of facing resistance; you instill into your psyche6 a strong message of endurance and success。 This strengthens the faith and the belief in yourself; which helps remind you of the responsibility to yourself。

Sometimes you may have to resort to some other measures to overe obstacles。 If you can’t get through the problem; try going around it; and if you can’t go around it; try getting under it; and if you can’t get under it; try going over it; and if you can’t go over it; just dive straight into it。

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… 心灵小语


Going on a Journey

William Hazlitt

One of the pleasantest things in the world is going a journey; but I like to go by myself。 I can enjoy society in a room; but out of doors; nature is pany enough for me。 I am then never less alone than when alone。

“The fields were his study; nature was his book。”

I cannot see the wit of walking and talking at the same time。 When I am in the country I wish to vegetate1 like the country。 I am not for criticizing hedgerows and black cattle。 I go out of town in order to forget the town and all that is in it。 There are those who for this purpose go to watering places; and carry the metropolis with them。 I like more elbowroom2 and fewer incumbrances3。 I like solitude; when I give myself up to it; for the sake of solitude; nor do I ask for。

“A friend in my retreat; whom I may whisper solitude is sweet。”

The soul of journey is liberty; perfect liberty; to think; feel; do; just as one pleases。 We go a journey chiefly to be free of all impediments4 and of all inconveniences; to leave ourselves behind; much more to get rid of others。 It is because I want a little breathing space to muse on indifferent matters; where contemplation。

“May plume her feathers and let grow her wings; that in the various hustle of resort were all too ruffled; and sometimes impaired。”

I absent myself from the town for a while; without feeling at a loss the moment I am left by myself。 Instead of a friend in a post chaise or in a tilbury; to exchange good things with; and vary the same stale topics over again; for once let me have a truce with impertinence5。 Give me the clear blue sky over my head; and the green turf beneath my feet; a winding road before me; and the three hours’ march to dinner — and then to thinking! It is hard if I cannot start some game on these lone heath。 I laugh; I run; I leap; I sing for joy!

。 想看书来

成 长



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