


r by the tea…table。 It is late; and I have long since drunk my cup of milk。 My eyes are heavy with sleep as I sit there and listen。 How could I not listen; seeing that Mamma is speaking to somebody; and that the sound of her voice is so melodious and kind? How much its echoes recall to my heart! With my eyes veiled with drowsiness I gaze at her wistfully。 Suddenly she seems to grow smaller and smaller; and her face vanishes to a point; yet I can still see it—can still see her as she looks at me and smiles。 Somehow it pleases me to see her grown so small。 I blink and blink; yet she looks no larger than a boy reflected in the pupil of an eye。 Then I rouse myself; and the picture fades。 Once more I half…close my eyes; and cast about to try and recall the dream; but it has gone; I rise to my feet; only to fall back fortably into the armchair。

“There! You are falling asleep again; little Nicolas;” says Mamma。 “You had better go to by…by。”

“No; I won’t go to sleep; Mamma;” I reply; though almost inaudibly; for pleasant dreams are filling all my soul。 The sound sleep of childhood is weighing my eyelids down; and for a few moments。 I sink into slumber and oblivion until awakened by some one。 I feel in my sleep as though a soft hand were caressing me。 I know it by the touch; and; though still dreaming; I seize hold of it and press it to my lips。 Every one else has gone to bed; and only one candle remains burning in the drawing…room。 Mamma has said that she herself will wake me。 She sits down on the arm of the chair in which I am asleep; with her soft hand stroking my hair; and I hear her beloved; well…known voice say in my ear: “Get up; my darling。 It is time to go by…by。”

No envious gaze sees her now。 She is not afraid to shed upon me the whole of her tenderness and love。 I do not wake up; yet I kiss and kiss her hand。

“Get up; then; my angel。”

She passes her other arm round my neck; and her fingers tickle me as they move across it。 The room is quiet and in half…darkness; but the tickling has touched my nerves and I begin to awake。 Mamma is sitting near me—that I can tell—and touching me; I can hear her voice and feel her presence。 This at last rouses me to spring up; to throw my arms around her neck; to hide my head in her bosom; and to say with a sigh:

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“Ah; dear; darling Mamma; how much I love you!”

She smiles her sad; enchanting3 smile; takes my head between her two hands; kisses me on the forehead; and lifts me on to her lap。

“Do you love me so much; then?” she says。 Then; after a few moments’ silence; she continues: “And you must love me always; and never forget me。 If your Mamma should no longer be here; will you promise never to forget her—never; Nicolinka?” and she kisses me more fondly than ever。

“Oh; but you must not speak so; darling Mamma; my own darling Mamma!” I exclaim as I clasp her knees; and tears of joy and love fall from my eyes。

How; after scenes like this! I would go upstairs; and stand before the icons; and say with a rapturous feeling; “God bless Papa and Mamma!” and repeat a prayer for my beloved mother which my childish lips had learnt to lisp—the love of God and other blending strangely in a single emotion!

After saying my prayers I would wrap myself up in the bedclothes。 My heart would feel light; peaceful; and happy; and one dream would follow another。 Dreams of what? They were all of them vague; but all of them full of pure love and of a sort of expectation of happiness。 Usually; also; there would be some favorite toy—a china dog or the bedarner into the bed…corner behind the pillow; and it would please me to think how warm and fortable and well cared—for it was there。 Also; I would pray God to make everyone happy; so that every one might be contented; and also to send fine weather tomorrow for our walk。 Then I would turn myself over on to the other side; and thoughts and dreams would bee jumbled and entangled together until at last I slept soundly and peacefully; though with a face wet with tears。

Do in after life the freshness and light…heartedness; the craving4 for love and for strength of faith; ever return which we experience in our childhood’s years? What better time is there in our lives than when the two best of virtues—innocent gaiety and a boundless yearning for affection—are our sole objects of pursuit?

Where now are our ardent prayers? Where now are our best gifts—the pure tears of emotion which a guardian angel dries with a smile as he sheds upon us lovely dreams of ineffable5 childish joy? Can it be that life has left such heavy traces upon one’s heart that those tears and ecstasies are for ever vanished? Can it be that there remains to us only the recollection of them?

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初 雪(1)






初 雪(2)






First Snow

John Boynton Priestley

Mr。 Robert Lynd once remarked1 of Jane Austen’s characters:“They are people in whose lives a slight fall of snow is an event。” Even at the risk of appearing to this witty and genial critic as another Mr。 Woodhouse; I must insist that last night’s fall of snow here was an event。 I was nearly as excited about it this morning as the children; whom I found all peering through the nursery2 window at the magic outside and chattering as excitedly as if Christmas had suddenly e round again。 The fact is; however; that the snow was as strange and enchanting to me as it was to them。 It is the first fall we have had here this winter; and last year I was out of the country; broiling in the tropics; during the snowy season; so that it really does seem an age since I saw the ground so fantastically carpeted。 It was while I was away last year that I met the three young girls from British Guiana who had just returned from their first visit to England。 The two things that had impressed them most were the endless crowds of people in the London street; all strangers (they emphasized this; for they had spent all their lives in a little town where everybody knows everybody); and the snow…covered landscape they awoke to; one morning when they were staying somewhere in Somerset。 They were so thrilled and delighted that they flung away any pretence of being demure young ladies and rushed out of the house to run to and fro across the glittering white expanses; happily scattering footmarks on the untrodden surface; just as the children did in the garden this morning。

The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event。 You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different; and if this is not enchantment; then where is it to be found? The very stealth3; the eerie quietness; of the thing makes it more magical。 If all the snow fell at once in one shattering crash; awakening us in the middle of the night the event would be robbed of its wonder。 But it flutters down; soundless; hour after hour while we are asleep。 Outside the closed curtains of the bedroom a vast transformation scene is taking place; just as if a myriad elves and brownies were at work; and we turn and yawn and stretch and know nothing about it。 And then; what an extraordinary change it is! It is as if the house you are in had been dropped down in another continent。 Even the inside; which has not been touched; seems different; every room appearing smaller and cosier; jus

大刑场1927  称心如意  小松鼠奇遇记  雪狼突击队  奈良辰-陌上繁花绽(出版)  无声  爱过的唯一  非典型性娱乐  (水浒同人)西门庆的囧囧穿越  燕北小镇的悲情往事:树下  凡尘一叶(GL师生恋)  血腥电影  末路疯狂  暮光之城·Ⅱ·新月  诡异世界,我能敕封神明  李鸣生五访汶川纪实录:绝地重生  北域狂飙  在资源战争中赢得一席之地:资源阴谋  猛将  收费亭里的小米洛  



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