


Norman felt slightly uneasy。 〃Whatre they doing here?〃

〃I dont know。 What do shrimps do; anyway? Do they migrate?〃

〃Damned if I know;〃 Barnes said。 〃I always buy em frozen。 My wife hates to peel em。〃

Norman remained uneasy; though he could not say why。 He could clearly see now that the bottom was covered in shrimps; they were everywhere。 Why should it bother him?

Norman moved away from the window; hoping his sense of vague uneasiness would go away if he looked at something else。 But it didnt go away; it just stayed there…a small tense knot in the pit of his stomach。 He didnt like the feeling at all。



〃Oh; hi; Norman。 I heard the excitement。 Lot of shrimps outside; is that it?〃

Harry sat on his bunk; with the paper printout of numbers on his knees。 He had a pencil and pad; and the page was covered with calculations; scratchouts; symbols; arrows。

〃Harry;〃 Norman said; 〃whats going on?〃

〃Damned if I know。〃

〃Im just wondering why we should suddenly be finding life down here…the squid; the shrimps…when before there was nothing。 Ever。〃

〃Oh; that。 I think thats pretty clear。〃


〃Sure。 Whats different between then and now?〃

〃Youve been inside the sphere。〃

〃No; no。 I mean; whats different in the outside environment?〃

Norman frowned。 He didnt grasp what Harry was driving at。

〃Well; just look outside;〃 Harry said。 〃What could you see before that you cant see now?〃

〃The grid?〃

〃Uh…huh。 The grid and the divers。 Lot of activity…and a lot of electricity。 I think it scared off the normal fauna of the area。 This is the South Pacific; you know; it ought to be teeming with life。〃

〃And now that the divers are gone; the animals are back?〃

〃Thats my guess。〃

〃Thats all there is to it?〃 Norman said; frowning。

〃Why are you asking me?〃 Harry said。 〃Ask Beth; shell give you a definitive answer。 But I know animals are sensitive to all kinds of stimuli we dont notice。 You cant run God knows how many million volts through underwater cables; to light a half…mile grid in an environment that has never seen light before; and not expect to have an effect。〃

''154'' Something about this argument tickled the back of Normans mind。 He knew something; something pertinent。 But he couldnt get it。


〃Yes; Norman。 You look a little worried。 You know; this substitution code is really a bitch。 Ill tell you the truth; Im not sure Ill be able to crack it。 You see; the problem is; if it is a letter substitution; you will need two digits to describe a single letter; because there are twenty…six letters in the alphabet; assuming no punctuation…which may or may not be included here as well。 So when I see a two next to a three; I dont know if it is letter two followed by letter three; or just letter twenty…three。 Its taking a long time to work through the permutations。 You see what I mean?〃


〃Yes; Norman。〃

〃What happened inside the sphere?〃

〃Is that what youre worried about?〃 Harry asked。

罪之花  异世之邪龙游香海  被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  月落参横  绝尘山庄  当时明月在  浪漫的倾心  新汉艳史  豪门第一长媳  大漠敦煌  谁是谁的灰太狼  出嫁不从夫1.2  韩流逆时代  中国远征军史  萌侠之金兰结义(上)  修真修到了满级大佬家  风月债  赌坊恩仇  誓不为妃  放个恋爱假  


















