


uickly; effortlessly…he would reach the surface in two and a half minutes。

There was plenty of time。

He moved the submarine close to DH…8。 The exterior ''344'' habitat floodlights were yellow and pale。 Power must be dropping。 He could see the damage to the cylinders…streams of bubbles rising from the weakened A and B Cylinders; the dents in the D; and the gaping hole in E Cyl; which was flooded。 The habitat was battered; and dying。

Why had he e so close? He squinted at the portholes; then realized he was hoping to catch sight of Harry and Beth; one last time。 He wanted to see Harry; unconscious and unresponsive。 He wanted to see Beth standing at the window; shaking her fist at him in maniacal rage。 He wanted confirmation that he was right to leave them。

But he saw only the fading yellow light inside the habitat。 He was disappointed。


〃Yes; Beth。〃 He felt fortable answering her now。 He had his hands on the controls of the submarine; ready to make his ascent。 There was nothing she could do to him now。 〃Norman; you really are a son of a bitch。〃

〃You tried to kill me; Beth。〃

〃I didnt want to kill you。 I had no choice; Norman。〃

〃Yeah; well。 Me; too。 I have no choice。〃 As he spoke; he knew he was right。 Better for one person to survive。 Better than nothing。

〃Youre just going to leave us?〃

〃Thats right; Beth。〃

His hand moved to the ascent…rate dial。 He set it to 6。6 feet。 Ready to ascend。

〃Youre just going to run away?〃 He heard the contempt in her voice。

〃Thats right; Beth。〃

〃You; the one who kept talking about how we had to stay together down here?〃

〃Sorry; Beth。〃

〃You must be very afraid; Norman。〃

〃Im not afraid at all。〃 And indeed he felt strong and confident; setting the controls; preparing for his ascent。 He felt better than he had felt for days。

〃Norman;〃 she said。

〃Please help us。 Please。〃

Her words struck him at some deep level; arousing feelings ''345'' of caring; of professional petence; of simple human kindness。 For a moment he felt confusion; his strength and conviction weakened。 But then he got a grip on himself; and shook his head。 The strength flew back into his body。

〃Sorry; Beth。 Its too late for that。〃

And he pressed the 〃ASCEND〃 button; heard the roar as the ballast tanks blew; and Deepstar III swayed。 The habitat slipped away below him; and he started toward the surface; a thousand feet above。

Black water; no sense of movement except for the readings on the glowing green instrument panel。 He began to review the events in his mind; as if he were already facing a Navy inquiry。 Had he done the right thing; leaving the others behind?

Unquestionably; he had。 The sphere was an alien object which gave a person the power to manifest his thoughts。 Well and good; except that human beings had a split in their brains; a split in their mental processes。 It was almost as if men had two brains。 The conscious brain could be consciously controlled; and presented no problem。 But the unconscious brain; wild and abandoned; was dangerous and destructive when its impulses were manifested。

The trouble with people like Harry and Beth was that they were literally unbalanced。 Their conscious brains were overdeveloped; but they had never bothered to explore their unconscious。 That was the difference between Norman and them。 As a psychologist; Norman had some acquaintance with his unconscious。 It held no surprises for him。

That was why Harry and Beth had manifested monsters; but Norman had not。 Norman knew his unconscious。 No monsters awaited him。

No。 Wrong。

He was startled by the suddenness of the thought; the abruptness of it。 Was he really wrong? He considered carefully; and decided once again that he was correct after all。 Beth and Harry were at risk from the products of their ''346'' unconscious; but Norman was not。 Norman knew himself; the others did not。

〃The fears unleashed by contact with a new life form are not understood。 The most likely consequence of contact is absolute terror。〃

The statements from his own report popped into his head。 Why should he think of them now? It had been years since he had written his report。

当时明月在  浪漫的倾心  风月债  出嫁不从夫1.2  萌侠之金兰结义(上)  韩流逆时代  新汉艳史  中国远征军史  誓不为妃  罪之花  被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  绝尘山庄  豪门第一长媳  月落参横  大漠敦煌  谁是谁的灰太狼  异世之邪龙游香海  放个恋爱假  赌坊恩仇  修真修到了满级大佬家  


















