


Do something; he thought; feeling a surge of panic。

But there was nothing he could do。 He was locked in the upper chamber of D Cyl。 He could not get out。 Beth had control of the entire facility; and she knew how to run the life…support systems。 She had shut off his power; she had shut off his heat; and now she had shut off his air。 He was trapped。

As the pressure fell; the sealed specimen bottles exploded like bombs; shooting fragments of glass across the room。 He ducked under the blankets; feeling the glass rip and tug at the cloth。 Breathing was harder now。 At first he thought it was tension; and then he realized that the air was thinner。 He would lose consciousness soon。

Do something。

He couldnt seem to catch his breath。

Do something。

But all he could think about was breathing。 He needed air; needed oxygen。 Then he thought of the first…aid cabinet。 Wasnt there emergency oxygen in the cabinet? He wasnt sure。 He seemed to remember。 。。。 As he got up; another specimen bottle exploded; and he twisted away from the flying glass。

He was gasping for breath; chest heaving。 He started to see gray spots before his eyes。

He fumbled in the darkness; looking for the cabinet; his hands moving along the wall。 He touched a cylinder。 Oxygen? No; too large…it must be the fire extinguisher。 Where was the cabinet? His hands moved along the wall。 Where?

He felt the metal case; the embossed cover with the raised cross。 He pulled it open; thrust his hands inside。

More spots swam before his eyes。 There wasnt much time。 His fingers touched small bottles; soft bandage packs。 ''324'' There was no air bottle。 Damn! The bottles fell to the floor; and then something large and heavy landed on his foot with a thud。 He bent down; touched the floor; felt a shard of glass cut his finger; paid no attention。 His hand closed over a cold metal cylinder。 It was small; hardly longer than the palm of his hand。 At one end was some fitting; a nozzle。 。。。

It was a spray can…some kind of damn spray can。 He threw it aside。 Oxygen。 He needed oxygen!

By the bed; he remembered。 Wasnt there emergency oxygen by every bed in the habitat? He felt for the couch where Beth had slept; felt for the wall above where her head would have been。 Surely there was oxygen nearby。 He was dizzy now。 He wasnt thinking clearly。

No oxygen。

Then he realized this wasnt a regular bed。 It wasnt intended for sleeping。 They wouldnt have placed any oxygen here。 Damn! And then his hand touched a metal cylinder; clipped to the wall。 At one end was something soft。 Soft 。。。

An oxygen mask。

Quickly he pushed the mask over his mouth and nose。 He felt the bottle; twisted a knurled knob。 He heard a hissing; breathed cold air。 He felt a wave of intense dizziness; and then his head cleared。 Oxygen! He was fine!

He felt the shape of the bottle; gauging its size。 It was an emergency bottle; only a few hundred ccs。 How long would it last? Not long; he thought。 A few minutes。 It was only a temporary reprieve。

Do something。

But he couldnt think of anything to do。 He had no options。 He was locked in a room。

He remembered one of his teachers; fat old Dr。 Temkin。 〃You always have an option。 There is always something you can do。 You are never without choice。〃

I am now; he thought。 No choices now。 Anyway; Temkin had been talking about treating patients; not escaping from sealed chambers。 Temkin didnt have any experience escaping from sealed chambers。 And neither did Norman。

The oxygen made him lightheaded。 Or was it already ''325'' running out? He saw a parade of his old teachers before him。 Was this like seeing your life running before you; before you died? All his teachers: Mrs。 Jefferson; who told him to be a lawyer instead。 Old Joe Lamper; who laughed and said; 〃Everything is sex。 Trust me。 It always es down to sex。〃 Dr。 Stein; who used to say; 〃There is no such thing as a resistant patient。 Show me a resistant patient and Ill show you a resistant therapist。 If youre not making headway with a patient; then do something else; do anything else。 But do something。〃

Do something。

Stein advocated crazy stuff。 If you werent getting through to a patient; get crazy。 Dress up in a clown suit; kick the patient; squirt him with a water pistol; do any damned thing that came into your head; but do something。

〃Look;〃 he used to say。 〃What youre doing now isnt working。 So you might as well do something else; no matter how crazy it seems。〃

That was fine back then; Norman thought。 Hed like to see Stein assess this problem。 What would Dr。 Stein tell him to do?

Open the door。 I cant; shes locked it。

Talk to her。 I cant; she wont listen。

Turn on your air。 I cant; she has control of the system。

Get control of the system。 I cant; she is in control。

Find help inside the room。 I cant; there is nothing left to help me。

Then leave。 I cant; I…

He paused。 That wasnt true。 He could leave by smashing a porthole; or; for that matter; by opening the hatch in the ceiling。 But there was no place to go。 He didnt have a suit。 The water was freezing。 He had been exposed to that freezing water for only a few seconds and he had nearly died。 If he were to leave the room for the open ocean; he would almost surely die。 Hed probably be fatally chilled before the chamber even filled with water。 He would surely die。

In his mind he saw Stein raise his bushy eyebrows; give his quizzical smile。 So? Youll die anyway。 What have you got to lose?

''326'' A plan began to form in Normans mind。 If he opened the ceiling hatch; he could go outside the habitat。 Once outside; perhaps he could make his way down to A Cyl; get back in through the airlock; and put his suit on。 Then he would be okay。

If he could make it to the airlock。 How long would that take? Thirty seconds? A minute? Could he hold his breath that long? Could he withstand the cold that long?

浪漫的倾心  异世之邪龙游香海  豪门第一长媳  赌坊恩仇  修真修到了满级大佬家  绝尘山庄  中国远征军史  月落参横  罪之花  当时明月在  出嫁不从夫1.2  誓不为妃  风月债  被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  萌侠之金兰结义(上)  新汉艳史  韩流逆时代  大漠敦煌  放个恋爱假  谁是谁的灰太狼  


















