


〃A black hole;〃 Harry said; 〃is a dead; pressed star。 Basically; a star is like a big beach ball inflated by the atomic explosions occurring inside it。 When a star gets old; and runs out of nuclear fuel; the ball collapses to a much smaller size。 If it collapses enough; it bees so dense and it has so much gravity that it keeps on collapsing; squeezing down on itself until it is very dense and very small…only a few miles in diameter。 Then its a black hole。 Nothing else in the universe is as dense as a black hole。〃

〃So theyre black because theyre dead?〃

〃No。 Theyre black because they trap all the light。 Black holes have so much gravity; they pull everything into them; like vacuum cleaners…all the surrounding interstellar gas and dust; and even light itself。 They just suck it right up。〃

〃They suck up light?〃 Norman said。 He found it hard to think of that。


〃So what were you two so excited about; with your calculations?〃

〃Oh; its a long story; and its just speculation。〃 Harry yawned。 〃It probably wont amount to anything; anyway。 Talk about it later?〃

〃Sure;〃 Norman said。

Harry rolled over; went to sleep。 Ted was still in the showers; hacking and sputtering。 Norman went back to D Cyl; to Tinas console。

〃Did Harry find you all right?〃 he said。 〃I know he wanted to see you。〃

〃Yes; sir。 And I have the information he requested now。 Why? Did you want to make out your will; too?〃

Norman frowned。

〃Dr。 Adams said he didnt have a will and he wanted to make one。 He seemed to feel it was quite urgent。 Anyway; I checked with the surface and you cant do it。 Its some legal problem about it being in your own handwriting; you cant transmit your will over electronic lines。〃

〃I see。〃

''94'' 〃Im sorry; Dr。 Johnson。 Should I tell the others as well?〃

〃No;〃 Norman said。 〃Dont bother the others。 Well be going to the surface soon。 Right after we have one last look at the ship。〃


This time they split up inside the spaceship。 Barnes; Ted; and Edmunds continued forward in the vast cargo bays; to search the parts of the ship that were still unexplored。 Norman; Beth; and Harry stayed in what they now called the flight deck; looking for the flight recorder。

Teds parting words were 〃It is a far; far better thing that I do; than I have ever done。〃 Then he set off with Barnes。 Edmunds left them a small video monitor so they could see the progress of the other team in the forward section of the ship。 And they could hear: Ted chattered continuously to Barnes; giving his views about structural features of the ship。 The design of the big cargo bays reminded Ted of the stonework of the ancient Mycenaeans in Greece; particularly the Lion Gate ramp at Mycenae。 。。。

〃Ted has more irrelevant facts at his fingertips than any man I know;〃 Harry said。 〃Can we turn the volume down?〃 Yawning; Norman turned the monitor down。 He was tired。 The bunks in DH…8 were damp; the electric blankets heavy and clinging。 Sleep had been almost impossible。 And then Beth had e storming in after her talk with Barnes。

She was still angry now。 〃God damn Barnes;〃 she said。 〃Where does he get off?〃

〃Hes doing the best he can; like everyone else;〃 Norman said。

She spun。 〃You know; Norman; sometimes youre too ''95'' psychological and understanding。 The man is an idiot。 A plete idiot。〃

〃Lets just find the flight recorder; shall we?〃 Harry said。 〃Thats the important thing now。〃 Harry was following the umbilicus cable that ran out the back of the mannequin; into the floor。 He was lifting up floor panels; tracing the wires aft。

〃Im sorry;〃 Beth said; 〃but he wouldnt speak like that to a man。 Certainly not to Ted。 Teds hogging the whole show; and I dont see why he should be allowed to。〃

〃What does Ted have to do with…〃 Norman began。

〃…The man is a parasite; thats what he is。 He takes the ideas of others and promotes them as his own。 Even the way he quotes famous sayings…its outrageous。〃

〃You feel he takes other peoples ideas?〃 Norman said。

〃Listen; back on the surface; I mentioned to Ted that we ought to have some words ready when we opened this thing。 And the next thing I know; Teds making up quotes and positioning himself in front of the camera。〃

〃Well 。。。〃

〃Well what; Norman? Dont well me; for Christs sake。 It was my idea and he took it without so much as a thank you。〃

〃Did you say anything to him about it?〃 Norman said。

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