


〃Yes。 Something to record the activity of the ship on its voyage。〃

〃They must have;〃 Harry said。 〃Trace the dummy cable back; youre sure to find it。 Id like to see that recorder; too。 In fact; I would say it is crucial。〃

Norman was looking at the console; lifting up a keyboard panel。 〃Look here;〃 he said。 〃I found a date。〃

They clustered around。 There was a stamp in the plastic beneath the keyboard。 〃Intel Inc。 Made in U。S。A。 Serial No: 98004077 8543。〃

〃August 5; 2043?〃

〃Looks like it。〃

〃So were walking through a ship fifty…odd years before its going to be built。 。。。〃

〃This is giving me a headache。〃

〃Look here。〃 Beth had moved forward from the console deck; into what looked like living quarters。 There were twenty bunk beds。

〃Crew of twenty? If it took three people to fly it; what were the other seventeen for?〃

''80'' Nobody had an answer to that。

Next; they entered a large kitchen; a toilet; living quarters。 Everything was new and sleekly designed; but recognizable for what it was。

〃You know; Hal; this is a lot more fortable than DH…8。〃

〃Yes; maybe we should move in here。〃

〃Absolutely not;〃 Barnes said。 〃Were studying this ship; not living in it。 Weve got a lot more work to do before we even begin to know what this is all about。〃

〃Itd be more efficient to live here while we explore it。〃

〃I dont want to live here;〃 Harry said。 〃It gives me the creeps。〃

〃Me too;〃 Beth said。

They had been aboard the ship for an hour now; and Normans feet hurt。 That was another thing he hadnt anticipated: while exploring a large spacecraft from the future; your feet could begin to hurt。

But Barnes continued on。

Leaving the crew quarters; they entered a vast area of narrow walkways set out between great sealed partments that stretched ahead as far as they could see。 The partments turned out to be storage bays of immense size。 They opened one bay and found it was filled with heavy plastic containers; which looked rather like the loading containers of contemporary airliners; except many times larger。 They opened one container。

〃No kidding;〃 Barnes said; peering inside。 〃What is it?〃


The food was wrapped in layers of lead foil and plastic; like NASA rations。 Ted picked one up。 〃Food from the future!〃 he said; and smacked his lips。

〃You going to eat that?〃 Harry said。

〃Absolutely;〃 Ted said。 〃You know; I once had a bottle of Dom Pérignon 1897; but this will be the first time Ive ever had anything to eat from the future; from 2043。〃

''81'' 〃Its also three hundred years old;〃 Harry said。

〃Maybe youll want to film this;〃 Ted said to Edmunds。 〃Me eating。〃

Edmunds dutifully put the camera to her eye; flicked on the light。

〃Lets not do that now;〃 Barnes said。 〃We have other things to acplish。〃

〃This is human interest;〃 Ted said。 〃Not now;〃 Barnes said firmly。

He opened a second storage container; and a third。 They all contained food。 They moved to the next storage bay and opened more containers。

被天道诅咒的我,选择躺平!  中国远征军史  萌侠之金兰结义(上)  罪之花  大漠敦煌  风月债  月落参横  浪漫的倾心  韩流逆时代  绝尘山庄  当时明月在  修真修到了满级大佬家  誓不为妃  新汉艳史  豪门第一长媳  出嫁不从夫1.2  放个恋爱假  异世之邪龙游香海  赌坊恩仇  谁是谁的灰太狼  


















