


across the table and lowered his voice。 ?Are you really as bright as your dad claims??

Blair sat up even straighter; twirling her little ruby ring around and around on her ring finger

beneath the tablecloth。 ?I think I?m smart enough to go to Yale;? she replied evenly; remembering

her speech。 ?I?m in all the APs at school。 I?m at the top of the class。 I?m the chair of the social

services board and the French club。 I?m a peer group leader。 I?m nationally ranked in tennis。 And I

ran the organizing mittee for five charity events this past year。?

Their drinks arrived and Owen raised his glass。 ?And why Yale?? He took a sip。 ?What can Yale

do for you??

It seemed odd that Owen wasn?t taking notes or anything; but maybe he was testing her; trying to

get her to let down her guard and admit that she really was just a flake who?d been born with a

silver spoon up her well…bred ass and only wanted to go to Yale to party with frat boys。

?As you know; Yale has an excellent prelaw program;? she stated; determined to give intelligent;

straight…to…the…point answers。 ?I?m thinking of going into entertainment law。?

?Excellent。? Owen nodded approvingly。 He scooted his chair forward and winked at her。 ?Look;

Blair。 You?re an intelligent; ambitious girl。 I already know you?re perfect for Yale and I promise

I?ll do everything I can to convince them to let you in。?

He looked so handsomely earnest while he was saying this that Blair felt her cheeks heat up。 She

took a sip of wine to cool herself off。 ?Thank you;? she responded gratefully。 She took another sip

of wine and let out an enormous sigh of gratitude and relief。 ?Thank you。 Thank you; thank you;

thank you。?

Just then a pair of cool hands covered her eyes and she smelled the distinctive

patchouli…and…sandalwood scent of a certain someone?s favorite essential oil mixture。

?Guess who!? Serena whispered in Blair?s ear; then pulled her hands away from Blair?s eyes; her

long blond hair brushing Blair?s shoulder as she kissed her cheek。 ?What?s going on??

Behind her; Aaron stood grinning goofily; wearing a maroon Harvard sweatshirt like the

annoying asshole he was。

Blair blinked。 Could they not see she was in the middle of the most important meeting of her


?I?m Serena。? Serena held out her hand for Owen to shake。

Owen stood up and took her hand。 ?Charmed。? He bowed his dark head; looking more like Cary

Grant than ever。

?So you?re ing to see me in the Les Best show tomorrow; right?? Serena asked Blair。

?Youhave to e;? Aaron chimed in。 ?I ain?t going to no fashion show by myself; girlfrien?。?

He?d agreed to go; but he wasn?t exactly looking forward to it。 Fashion meant fur and animal

testing。 It was against everything he stood for。

?Your name is on the list;? Serena added。

Owen looked pletely bemused by the whole conversation。 Blair let out an exasperated breath

成婚当晚,我被病娇反派强取豪夺  四合院:背靠易中海,摆烂乐无边  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  水浅王八多,咱妈带咱哥  我真不是十世善人  我当出马仙的这些年  风流乞丐俏天子  赢在过去  酒儿娘子  我在末世集卡冲仙途  一人之下:开局八岁横扫龙虎山!  重生之从跑男落水开始  开局成杀神,陛下为何造反?  小吴的孤独日记  我在平行世界修真成圣  火影,旗木家的魅魔幼子  末世入侵:我的战斗女仆团  阿修罗进化  乐土之王  春风化雨时  



一个一无是处的,被认为是废物和白痴家伙,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力?  颠覆这世界的所有规则吧,让我们遵寻着恶魔的轨迹  ...















