


pect had a great impact on these men and their lives。 The point is this: Today we live in times of greater and faster change than these men did。 I suspect there will be many booms and busts in the next 25 years that will parallel the ups and downs these men faced。 I am concerned that too many people are focused too much on money and not their greatest wealth; which is their education。 If people are prepared to be flexible; keep an open mind and learn; they will grow richer and richer through the changes。 If they think money will solve problems; I am afraid those people will have a rough ride。 Intelligence solves problems and produces money。 Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone。

Most people fail to realize that in life; its not how much money you make; its how much money you keep。 We have all heard stories of lottery winners who are poor; then suddenly rich; then poor again。 They win millions and are soon back to where they started。 Or stories of professional athletes; who; at the age of 24; are earning millions of dollars a year; and are sleeping under a bridge by age 34。 In the paper this morning; as I write this; there is a story of a young basketball player who a year ago had millions。 Today; he claims his friends; attorney and accountant took his money; and now he works at a car wash for minimum wage。

He is only 29。 He was fired from the car wash because he refused to take off his championship ring as he was wiping off the cars; so his story made the newspaper。 He is appealing his termination; claiming hardship and discrimination and that the ring is all he has left。 He claims that if you take that away; hell crumble。

In 1997; I know so many people who are being instant millionaires。 Its the Roaring 20s one more time。 And while I am glad people have been getting richer and richer; I only caution that in the long run; its not how much you make; its how much you keep; and how many generations you keep it。

So when people ask; 〃Where do I get started?〃 or 〃Tell me how to get rich quick;〃 they often are greatly disappointed with my answer。 I simply say to them what my rich dad said back to me when I was a little kid。 〃If you want to be rich; you need to be financially literate。〃

That idea was drummed into my head every time we were together。 As I said; my educated dad stressed the importance of reading books; while my rich dad stressed the need to master financial literacy。

If you are going to build the Empire State Building; the first thing you need to do is dig a deep hole and pour a strong foundation。 If you are going to build a home in the suburbs; all you need to do is pour a 6…inch slab of concrete。 Most people; in their drive to get rich; are trying to build an Empire State Building on a 6…inch slab。

Our school system; having been created in the Agrarian Age; still believes in homes with no foundation。 Dirt floors are still the rage。 So kids graduate from school with virtually no financial foundation。 One day; sleepless and deep in debt in suburbia; living the American Dream; they decide that the answer to their financial problems is to find a way to get rich quick。

Construction on the skyscraper begins。 It goes up quickly; and soon; instead of the Empire State Building; we have the Leaning Tower of Suburbia。 The sleepless nights return。

As for Mike and me in our adult years; both of our choices were possible because we were taught to pour a strong financial foundation when we were just kids。

Now; accounting is possibly the most boring subject in the world。 It also could be the most confusing。 But if you want to be rich; long term; it could be the most important subject。 The question is; how do you take a boring and confusing subject and teach it to kids? The answer is; make it simple。 Teach it first in pictures。

My rich dad poured a strong financial foundation for Mike and me。 Since we were just kids; he created a simple way to teach us。 For years he only drew pictures and used words。 Mike and I understood the simple drawings; the jargon; the movement of money; and then in later years; rich dad began adding numbers。 Today; Mike has gone on to master much more plex and sophisticated accounting analysis because he has had to。 He has a billion…dollar empire to run。 I am not as sophisticated because my empire is smaller; yet we e from the same simple foundation。 In the following pages; I offer to you the same simple line drawings Mikes dad created for us。 Though simple; those drawings helped guide two little boys in building great sums of wealth on a solid and deep foundation。

Rule One。 You must know the difference between an asset and a liability; and buy assets。 If you want to be rich; this is all you need to know。 It is Rule No。 1。 It is the only rule。 This may sound absurdly simple; but most people have no idea how profound this rule is。 Most people struggle financially because they do not know the difference between an asset and a liability。

〃Rich people acquire assets。 The poor and middle class acquire liabilities; but they think they are assets〃

When rich dad explained this to Mike and me; we thought he was kidding。 Here we were; nearly teenagers and waiting for the secret to getting rich; and this was his answer。 It was so simple that we had to stop for a long time to think about it。

〃What is an asset?〃 asked Mike。

〃Dont worry right now;〃 said rich dad。 〃Just let the idea sink in。 If you can prehend the simplicity; your life will have a plan and be financially easy。 It is simple; that is why the idea is missed。〃

〃You mean all we need to know is what an asset is; acquire them and well be rich?〃 I asked。

Rich dad nodded his head。 〃Its that simple。〃

〃If its that simple; how e everyone is not rich?〃 I asked。

Rich dad smiled。 〃Because people do not know the difference

between an asset and a liability。〃

I remember asking; 〃How could adults be so silly。 If it is that simple; if it is that important; why would everyone not want to find out?〃

It took our rich dad only a few minutes to explain what assets and liabilities were。

孙子兵法说什么--CEO论道  玉娇梨  外汇投资精要:赢在汇市  大投机家  我一生要练的  兽欲  浮沉  一生的理财功课  八大策略变身职场达人  你是聪明还是笨  秦始皇  企业永续发展的领导力模型  四年级,决定孩子一生的关键  马云如是说  闯与创  小时代2.0虚铜时代  贫女翻转职场:底层红颜  直击华尔街风暴2  国企--背后的故事  房价博弈  


















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